




Hindi Name



The village of Doda is situated in the Shakargarh pargana of the Gurdaspur district, and, like that of Jhanda, was founded by Randhir Chand Randhawa(common ancestor of from Talwandi, Chamyari, Kundha and Doda family) Jhanda was the original colony, and Doda was populated from it. The Doda family rose from the time of Gurbakhsh Singh,who in the early days of Sikh, power, adopted the new faith and the profession of arms. He, with his brotker, joined the Bhangi Misl, and soon became a Chief of some note. He was engaged in perpetual warfare with his neighbours, and in one of his expeditions against Imami, of the Pada tribe, his elder brother Hathu was slain. Gurbakhsh Singh acquired a large tract of country in the neighbourhood of Doda, including Sadhanwal, Ranjrur, Jasar and Bhopalwala, and also took possession of part of tbe Jammu territory, building a fort only a few miles from the city of Jammu itself. He died about 1795, and was succeeded by his son Sudh Singh, who also became a man of some importance, and added largely to the family possessions.

Both Sudh Singh and his father were bitter enemies of the Jammu Raja, and this enmity nearly cost Sudh Singh his life ; for on one occasion, as he was riding to Lala Chak, about five miles from Jammu, he fell into an ambush laid for him by Ranjit Deo, and was fired at by a party of the Raja’s troops. His horse was wounded in the neck, one ball lodged in Sudh Singh’s saddle, another struck the handle of his sword, and it was -with difficulty that he made his escape. He died in 1813 ; and his family, knowing that they could not successfully oppose Ranjit Singh, sent Gaja Singh, cousin of Sudh Singh, who had left no male issue, to Lahore with presents of two lakhs of rupees, an elephant and valuable horses, and offers of submission. Ranjit Singh, however, hearing of Sudh Singh’s death, had already sent a force under Ganda Singh Safi to seize the fort of Jasar, situated about five miles from Doda. The family represented how matters stood, and begged for delay till the pleasure of the Maharaja should be known; but Ganda Singh was not to be stayed, and directed an immediate assault upon the fort, from which he was repulsed with loss. When Ranjit Singh heard of this failure, he laughed and said that “ the safi had lost his sa/a.” The joke requires explanation. Ganda Singh before he was raised to the command of a regiment was a safi, or man employed to brush away flies ; and safa is a cloth used as a turban, the loss of which among all orientals is considered disgraceful. Ranjit Singh made but few jokes ; and the success of this one pleased him so much that Gaja Singh was well received, and twenty-five villages were released in his favour, subject to the service of eighteen sowars. He accompanied the Maharaja on his expeditions against Multan and Kashmir, and fought under Diwan Mohkam Chand in the battle of Attock in 1813, and was also present at the siege of Mankera. He died the year after this last expedition in 1822, when all his jagirs were resumed by the Maharaja.

Hari Singh, his eldest son, was thus almost reduced to poverty, and took service with the Sindhanwalia Chiefs, Lahna Singh and Shamsher Singh, from whom he eventually received the command of fifty sowars. He fought gallantly at Jamrud, where Hari Singh Nalwa was slain j and his conduct on this occasion was rewarded by Ranjit Singh.

During the Satlaj Campaign he served under Sardar Shamsher Singh Sindhanwalia, and after the occupation of Lahore he accompanied that Chief and Lieutenant Edwardes to Bannu on a salary of Rs.600 a year. “When the rebellion broke out at Multan, Hari Singh marched there with his superior and joined the rebels with Raja Sher Singh. He asserts, indeed, that he attempted, with commandant Haram Bakhsh of Batala, to escape from the rebel camp, and that they had even commenced their flight, when they were seen by the enemy ; Karam Bakhsh, who was riding first, was shot dead, and Hari Singh himself was taken prisoner. Whatever may be the truth of this story, it is certain that Hari Singh fought on the rebel side at Ramnagar and Gujrat •, and accordingly his village of Fatuwal, worth Rs. 600, and a portion of Doda were resumed. His cash pension of Rs. 500 was also confiscated ; but in 1862 he received a pension of Rs. 100, which he enjoyed until his death in 1870.

The share in the village of Doda possessed by Ind Kaur, the last surviving widow of Sardar Sudh Singh, was not resumed ill the death of that lady some years afterwards.

Jawala Singh, son of Hari Singh, entered the corps known as the Suraj Mukhi at Ambala. He was obliged by ill-health to retire after a few years service, and is now an incurable insane. His eldest son, Bishan Singh, took service in 1872 in the 19th Bengal Lancers, and was with regiment throughout the last campaign in Afghanistan retired in 1881 giving to family quarrels, which necessitated his presence at home. His brother Ishar Singh was in the 6th Bengal Cavalry.

Sant Singh, another son, entered Hodson’s 1857, and did good service in Hindustan. He retired 1860, and died shortly after.

References :-

  • Chief and Families of Note by L. H Griffin


  • Jamal Chand, married and had issue.
    • Mahar Chand, married and had issue.
      • Nathu Singh
      • Gurbakhsh Singh, he became a Sikh and adopted the military profession, he and his brother joined the Bhangi misl and became chiefs of note; he took possession of Sadhanwal, Ranjrur, Jassar and Bhopalwala, married and had issue. He died about 1795.
        • Sudh Singh, he was a man of some importance, and added largely to the family possessions, married (amongst others), Bibiji Ind Kaur, and had issue. He died spm in 1813.
          • Bibi Rupan Kaur
        • Dayal Singh, married and had issue.
          • Jwala Singh, died 1834.
    • Sajana, married and had issue.
      • Shian
      • Sipha, married and had issue.
        • Dhian Singh, died 1837.
        • Sardar Gaja Singh, he received 25 villages from Maharaja Ranjit Singh, he accompanied the Maharaja in his campaigns in Multan and Kashmir, and took part in the battle at Attock in 1813, and was also present at the siege of Mankera, married and had issue. He died 1822.
          • Hari Singh, on his father's death all his jagirs were resumed, he fought gallantly at Jamrud in 1837, and was rewarded by the Maharaja, he served during the Sutlej campaign and joined the rebels at Multan in 1848, his property was seized except for a portion of Doda, but later in 1852 he received a pension of 100Rs., married and had issue. He died 1870.
            • Jwala Singh, born 1834, he entered the corps known as 'Suraj Mukhi' at Amballa, he later joined the Police Force, married and had issue.
              • Bishan Singh, born 1856, married and had issue.
                • Karam Singh, born 1878.
                • Shivdev Singh, born 1880.
              • Ishwar Singh, born 1862.
            • Sant Singh, he served with 'Hodson's Horse' from 1857 to his retirement in 1860 due to poor health, married and had issue.
              • Kahar Singh, born 1862.
          • Nidhan Singh
          • Gurdit Singh
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