The history of the Jats proves to satisfaction that they belong to high class which is very old, valorous and enterprising; their being powerful in the Panjab from the fifth century is quite certain; they successively resisted the Mohamadan invasions in 1026, 1398 and 1525, as they have accelerated the downfall of the Mogal empire in the 18th century.
Jwala Sahai, History of Bharatpur
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In Character the Jats resembles the old Anglo -saxon and the ancient Roman, and has indeed more of the characteristics of the Teuton than of the Celt in him. He is tough ,slow, unimaginative and unemotional lacking brilliance, but possessed of great solidity, dogged perseverance and an eminently practical turn of mind. He is hardly ever convinced by words without conerete facts. Sturdy independence and patient vigorous labour are among his good point's as Ibbetson has noted. Another trait of the Jat character which has been marked by good observer's in his strong individualism.
History of the Jats-Kalki Ranjan Qunongo