




Hindi Name


Time Period



The founder of the Thanesar family was Mith Singh, a Kang Jat of Sirhali, near Patti, in the Manjha, and received the Pahal from Gurdial Singh, who obtained for him the post of personal attendant (gaewa bardar, a servant who carries a drinking vessel and water) to Tara Singh Gheba. Mith Singh , offended with, the conduct of his master, induced 200 of his troopers to desert, and set up for himself. Being absolutely without means, he determined on a bold stroke, and attacked Thanesar, where were two forts, one in possession of the Shaikhs, and the other belonging to Bhai Desu Singh, of Kythal. That belonging to the Shaikhs was captured, and the other, after the death of Mith Singh, was gained by bribing the Commandant, and the surrounding country was taken possession of by his nephews Bhag Singh* and Bhanga Singh, who divided it between them, the latter obtaining the larger share. Bhanga Singh, who died in 1815, joined the British force when, under Lord Lake, it came north of the damn a, and was rewarded with additional territory. He was, however, of a most savage and untam- able character, and gave a great deal of trouble. Bhag Singh died twenty- four years before his brother, leaving four sons, who were, if possible, more audacious and violent than their uncle, Bhanga Singh. In 1806, Bhanga Singh, with the aid of the Ladwa Chief, seized Dhowa, which he held till Ms death. He left a son, Fatah Singh, and a daughter, Karam Kour, who was married to Maharaja Karra Singh, of Pattiala. There was also an illegitimate son, Sahib Singh, born of a slave girl, who was not allowed to succeed to a share with Fatah Singh, though maintenance was given him. Fatah Singh died in 1819, leaving two widows, who succeeded him, although the mother managed the state, which, in 1850, escheated to Government.


  • Sardar?? Singh, married and had issue.
    • Sardar Mith Singh (qv)
    • Indar Sen, married Bibiji Hurrah (she married 2ndly, her brotherin-law), and had issue.
      • Nodh Singh, he adopted the Sikh faith.
    • Chander Sen, married (his brother's widow), Hurruh, and had issue.
      • Sardar Bhag Singh (qv)
      • Sardar Bhanga Singh (qv)
  • Sardar MITH SINGH, 1st Raja of Thanesar 1760/-, he received the Pahul from Gurdial Singh, and who obtained for him the post of personal attendant to Tara Singh Ghaiba, in 1766, he incited 200 of his masters troopers to desert, and set up for himself, he attacked Thanesar, where there were two forts, one in possession of the Shaikhs and the other belonging to Bhai Desu Singh of Kaithal, the former was captured, and the other, after the death of Mith Singh, was gained by bribing the Commandant, and the surronnding country was taken by his nephews, Bhag Singh and Bhanga Singh, who divided it between them, the latter obtaining the larger share.
  • Sardar BHAG SINGH, 2nd Raja of Thanesar -/1791, married and had issue, four sons. He died 1791.
    • Sardar Baj Singh, he succeeded to his father's share of the estate, married and had issue.
      • Sardar Jamiyat Singh, his estate lapsed on his death in 1834.
  • Sardar BHANGA SINGH, 3rd Raja of Thanesar 1791/1815, a prominent sardar of the Karorsinghia misl, he seized in January 1764, after the fall of Sirhind, the parganah of Pehova along the bed of the River Saraswati, 22 kms west of Thanesar, later he captured Thanesar leaving Pehova in the possession of his brother, in 1779, he aligned himself with the Mughal chief, Abdul Ahad Khan, to recover his territory from Raja Amar Singh of Patiala, in January 1786, he along with other Sikh chiefs entered the Ganga Doab at the head of 5,000 horse and ravaged Meerut, Hapur and Garh Mukteshwar, in January 1791, he advanced up to Anupshahar, a British cantonment on the Ganga under the charge of Lt.-Col. Robert Stuart, who he captured, and confined him for nine months in the fort before his release in October 1791, he captured Karnal in 1795, four years later, in 1799 he helped Raja Bhag Singh of Jind against the attack of the Irish adventurer, George Thomas, he joined with Lord Lake in attacking Delhi in September 1803 and was granted some additional territory, in 1806 he accompanied Maharaja Ranjit Singh on his return journey from Thanesar to the Sutlej and received from him a village in jagir in Talwandi parganah between Moga and Firozpur, married Sardarni Mai Jian (qv), and had issue. He died 1815.
    • Sardar Fateh Singh (by Mai Hassan)(qv)
    • Maharani Karam Kaur, married Raja-i-Rajgan Maharaja Karam Singh, Maharaja of Patiala, and had issue.
    • Sahib Singh, born of a slave girl, he was not allowed to succeed to a share of his father's estate, though maintenance was granted him.
  • Sardar FATEH SINGH, 4th Raja of Thanesar 1815/1819, married 1stly, Sardarni Ratan Kaur (qv), married 2ndly, Sardarni Chand Kaur (qv), born 179x, died 1850, daughter of Kanwar Hari Singh of Jind, and his wife Bibi Dya Kaur. He died sp in 1819.
  • Sardarni Mai Jian, 5th Rani of Thanesar 1819/1830, married Sardar Bhanga Singh (see above), and had issue. She died 1836.
  • Sardarni Ratan Kaur, 6th Rani of Thanesar 1830/1844, married (as his first wife), Sardar Fateh Singh (see above). She died 1844.
  • Sardarni Chand Kaur, 7th Rani of Thanesar 1844/1850, daughter of Kanwar Hari Singh of Jind, and his wife Bibi Dya Kaur, she married (as his second wife), Sardar Fateh Singh (see above). She died sp in 1850.
  • Raja Mehtab Singh
  • Raja Lehna Singh
References :-
  • Sir L.H Griffin, The Rajas of Punjab


Karnal seized by Bhanga Singh Kang Of Karorasinghia

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