





Hindi Name


Time Period

3rd to 5th century


We came to know about the Virl/Warik Jat rulers of Bayana from the Bijayagadh Stone Pillar. The Bijayagadh Stone Pillar Inscription of Vishnuvardhana, locally known as Bhīm kī Lāţ, was erected at Bayana in Bharatpur district for having perfection been attained in samvat 428 on the fifteenth lunar day of the dark fortnight of (the month) Phâlguna. Bijayagadh Stone Pillar Inscription of Vishnuvardhana reads as:

On the ceremony of the pundarīka-sacrifice (having been performed), this sacrificial post has been caused to be set. up by the Varika, the illustrious Vishnuvardhana whose royalty and name are well established,-who is the excellent son of Yashovardhana; (and) the excellent son s son of Yashôrâta; (and) the excellent son of the son s son of Vyâghrarâta, – for the purpose of increasing (his) splendour, sacrifices, religion, welfare (in the other world), prosperity, fame, family, lineage, good fortune, and enjoyment.


  • Maharaja Vyâghrarâta, Ruler of Bayana, married and had issue.
  • Maharaja Yashôrâta, Ruler of Bayana, married and had issue.
  • Maharaja Yashovardhana, Ruler of Bayana, married and had issue.
  • Maharaja Vishnuvardhana, Ruler of Bayana, erected the Bijayagadh Stone Pillar.
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