




Hindi Name


Time Period



Beswán jagir owes its origin to Nawal Singh, eldest brother of Daya Rám, who, when worsted in the contest with his energetic younger brother, retired to Beswan, which with 26 other villages had been set apart for his maintenance during the life of Raja Bhuri Singh, his father. Nawal Singh does not appear to have ever taken any measures to press his claims to the gaddi of Hathras by right of seniority. He was succeeded by his two sons, Jíwa Ram and Harikishan. The former received Beswan and the estate connected with it, partly in jagir and partly on a fixed revenue for life, and the latter shared with him. Harikishen Singh joined his Thenua clansmesn Raja Bhagwant Singh of Mursan and Raja Dayaram of Hathras in opposing the British. Harikishen fought Britishers at Kachaura, Bijaigarh and Sasni. It was at the Siege of Bijaigarh that one of the sons of Harikishen Singh died. Harikishen was succeeded by his son Jaikishan or Jaikishor, who, on the downfall of Hathras, obtained the grant of taluka Shahzádpur, formed partly from Háthras and partly from Mendu.

Jaikishan was succeeded by Giri Parshad. He was a very learned and holy personality of his time. He translated and published all the vedas from sanskrit language to German Language in 1870 and for that noble cause he was awarded the prize in 1872 by the then German Government.


  • Raja Shri Bhuri Singh,Raja of Hathras, married and had issue.
    • Raja Shri Dayaram of Hathras
    • Raja Shri Nawal Singh of Beswan(see below)
  • Raja Shri Nawal Singh, Raja of Beswan 1775/1798, elder son of Raja Bhuri Singh of Hathras, he lost the gaddi to his younger and more energetic brother Dayaram and retired to Beswan, married and had issue.
    • Raja Shri Hari Kishen Singh (see below)
    • Thakur Shri Jiwa Ram of Mendu
  • Raja Shri Hari Kishen Singh 1798/1817, Raja of Beswan, married and had issue.
    • Kunwar??, died at Bijaigarh fighting against the British forces.
    • Thakur Shri Jai Kishore Singh.
  • Thakur Shri Jai Kishore Singh, Raja of Beswan 1817/??, married and had issue.
    • Thakur Shri Giri Prasad Singh of Beswan(see below)
    • Thakur Shri Girdhar Singh
  • Thakur Shri Giri Prasad Singh, Raja of Beswan, married and had issue.
    • Thakur Shri Garudhwaj Prasad Singh(see below)
    • Thakur Shri Saparundhaj Prasad Singh
  • Thakur Shri Garudhwaj Prasad Singh, Raja of Beswan, married and had issue.
References :-
  • Jagbir Singh, The Jat Rulers of Upper Doab: Three Centuries of Aligarh Jat Nobility : a Regional Micro History of Thenuas
  • Edward Atkinson, Statistical, Descriptive and Historical Account of the Aligarh District.
  • Privy Council Judgments on Appeals from India, Volume 7
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