





Hindi Name


Time Period

1750 to 1947


The Jagirdars of Jhumba belonged to the Bhaika house of the Sidhu Dynasty. It’s founder of Bhai Budha Singh who was son of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh, the ruler of Bhatinda.

Bhai Budha Singh took part in the union of Sikh Confederacies in 1762, which attacked Sarhind and captured it from the Mahomedan Governor Zin Khan, who was slain. The spoils were divided amongest the victors according to the amount of assistance rendered, and Budha Singh received as his share the village lands of Sarhand, a camel swivel and one hundred and fifteen matchlocks.

He returned to Jhumba, and shortly afterwards took possession of twenty-eight villages in the Bahor llaka. He next joined with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Chief of Kot Kapura, and Bhai Desa Singh, in the spoliation of Bahak Bodla, which was divided among the allies in the usual fashion, Budh Singh receiving one-eighth. He died at Kaithal after a fighting career of thirty-four years, in which period he managed to acquire lands yielding Rs. 84.000 in revenue. His son Tek Singh was killed in an endeavour to push the family boundaries beyond what his father had bequeathed him. Ram Singh, nephew of Tek Singh, exchanged the Sarhand lands for twelve villages in the Adampur Ilaka, with the Maharaja of Patiala. In the time of his successor Faujdar Singh, the Babarpur possessions were lost in a quarrel with the Raja of Nabha. After Faujdar Singh came Mahar Singh, who, in 1835, received five villages in the Jhamba Ilaka from the Maharaja Karam Singh of Patiala, in exchange for Bahor lands. But owing to a quarrel over the details the Maharaja refused possession; and in the fight which followed, Mahar Singh was worsted. He promptly placed himself under the protection of the Governor-General’s Agent at Ambala, who decided the case in his favour; and the villages were duly made over. The brothers Mahar Singh and Kandla Singh effected a partition of the property in 1838, when the country was taken over by the British. The former received the villages of Jhumba-Hasana, Bahujatri, Piori and Ghagar, with half of Bahubian and a portion of Bahak Bodla. Mahar Singh died in 1841.

He is supposed to have been poisoned by his brothers-in- law, who were desirous of securing the management of the estate during the minority of his sons. They were duly appointed agents of the property; but their oppression of the cultivators made them so unpopular that Bhai Kandla Singh, brother of the deceased, attacked and slew them with the approbation of the country side. This crime was punished by the confiscation of all the family jagirs, small pen- sions being fixed for the maintenance of Kandla Singh and his relatives. The case was made the subject of a revised order by the Board of Administration in 1850, when Bhai Zabarjang Singh was reinstated in his father’s jagir holdings in Jhumba, Ghagar and part of Bahak Bodla. Three ladies of the family were given jagirs in Husana and Bahus Khurd and Kalan, with reversion to Bhai Zabarjang.


  • Bhai Gurbaksh Singh, Ruler of Bhatinda,he was an enterprising warrior, and developed a friendship with Baba Ala Singh, the founder of the princely house of Patiala, together they made many conquests; together in 1754, they defeated Sardar Jodh Singh of Bathinda and in 1756, they defeated the chiefs of Buhai and Buloda, leaving Gurbakhsh Singh in possession of Bathinda and Buloda, married and had issue, six sons. He died 1760 or 1766 or 1764 when his territory was divided amongst his sons
    • Bhai Budha Singh, born 1725, a great warrior, he seized the districts of Thanesar and Pihowah, and built himself a strong fort at Kahod, which he made his head-quarters, he later lost Thanesar to Sardar Bhanga Singh, married and had issue (see below). He died 1774.
    • Bhai Dhana Singh, married and had issue, two sons.
    • Bhai Gurdas Singh, died 1781.
    • Bhai Desa Singh, he captured Kaithal from its Afghan owners and stripped the Sayyids of their Pundri lands, married and had issue (see Kaithal).
    • Bhai Takhat Singh, born 1758, married Mai Sukha, and had issue.
      • Bhai Dal Singh, born 1779.
    • Bhai Sukha Singh, born 1760, married and had issue, the Sardars of Arnauli (now in Haryana), see Arnauli
  • Bhai Budha Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba, born 1725, he took part in the union of Sikh confederacies in 1762, when it attacked Sirhind, and was awarded his share of the spoils, which included the village lands of Sirhind, a camel swivel and 115 matchlocks; afterwards he seized the districts of Thanesar and Pihowah, and built himself a strong fort at Kahod, which he made his head-quarters, he later lost Thanesar to Sardar Bhanga Singh, married and had issue, five sons. He died 1774.
    • Bhai Tek Singh (qv)
    • Bhai (name unknown) Singh, married and had issue.
      • Bhai Ram Singh (qv)
  • Bhai Tek Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1774/1794, born 1746, he was killed in 1794 in an attempt to increase his possessions.
  • Bhai Ram Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1794/-, born 1768, he exchanged the Sirhind lands for 12 villages in the Adampur ilaqa with the Maharaja of Patiala; married and had issue.
    • Bhai Faujdar Singh (qv)
  • Bhai Faujdar Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba -/1822, born 1790, he lost the Babarpur possessions in a quarrel with the Raja of Nabha; married and had issue. He died 1822.
    • Bhai Mehar Singh (qv)
    • Bhai Kundha Singh [aka Ganda Singh], born 1814, he killed the manager's of the property after his brother's death and all the family jagirs were confiscated and a small allowance was made for maintenance; married and had issue. He died 1872.
      • Bhai Harnam Singh, born 1850, married and had issue.
        • Bhai Shiv Saran Singh, born 1877, married and had issue.
  • Bhai Mehar Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1822/1841, born 1812, he received five villages in the Jhamba ilaqa in 1835, in an exchange for the Bahor lands with Maharaja Karam Singh of Patiala, he divided the property with his brother in 1838; married and had issue. He died 1841.
    • Bhai Ranjang Singh (qv)
    • Bhai Fatehjang Singh, born 1836, died 1847.
    • Bhai Zabarjang Singh (qv)
  • Bhai Ranjang Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1841/1849, born 1834, he died sp in 1849.
  • Bhai Zabarjang Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1849/1910, born 1838, he was reinstated to some of the family properties, viz. Jhamba, Ghagar and part of Bahak Bodla, he was an Honorary Magistrate from 1890 until 1906, when he resigned; married and had issue. He died 1910.
    • Bhai Sheo Sham Singh (qv)
    • Bhai Kaul Singh, born 1865, married and had issue. He died vp in 1905.
      • Bhai Kishan Singh, born 1886, he died 1916.
  • Bhai Sheo Sham Singh, Jagirdar of Jhumba 1910/1920, born 1861, he was appointed an Honorary Magistrate in 1893, and an Honorary Civil Judge in 1895; he received 10 squares of land in 1916 in the Multan district as a landed gentry grant from the Government; married and had issue, five sons. He died 1920.
    • Bhai Jwala Singh, born 1878, died 1903.
    • Bhai Sher Singh, born 1881, died 1907.
    • Sardar Sahib Bhai Shriram Singh (qv)
    • Bhai Narendra Singh, born 1906, educated at Aitchison College, Lahore; married and had issue.
      • Bhai Mahindar Singh, born 1926.
      • Bhai Ravindar Singh, born 1928.
      • Bhai Bir Indar Singh, born 1930.
      • Bhai Shiv Indar Singh, born 1932.
    • Bhai Gurkirpal Singh, born 1909, educated at the Forman Christian College, Lahore, graduating in 1929; Secretary of the District Board, Ferozepur, married and had issue.
      • Bhai Narinjan Pal Singh, born 1934. Was married had issue with one son-
        • Bhai Kunwar Gurprit Singh
  • Sardar Sahib Bhai Shriram Singh Jagirdar Of Jhamba 1920/- (b.1904) , was Provincial Durbari,and became a successful Zaildar.and holding serval Jagirs in five villages.ans received "Sardar Sahib" title, later the British Government appointed him an Honorary Magistrate of the Second Class ane he was awarded the Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935, was married had issues with six daughter's and two son's -
    • Bibiji Satinder Kaur Sahiba
    • Bibiji Sukhinder Kaur Sahiba
    • Bhai Satinder Pal Singh (b.1929 to d.1983)
    • Bibiji Joginder Kaur (b.1933)
    • Bibiji Surinder Kaur (b.1934 to d.2009)
    • Bibiji Amarjit Kaur (b.1939)
    • Bhai Kiranjit Singh (b.1941), was married had issue with one son-
      • Bhai Jeevanjot Singh (b.1970)
    • Bibiji Sukhjit Kaur
  • Bhai Sahib Bhai Rajinder Pal Singh, Jagirdar Of Jhamba (b.1954)
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