




Hindi Name




Time Period

Early 18th century-1947


Sunder Singh a resident of the village of Mokal (which was founded by his ancestor Mokal Sindhu) was father of seven sons, of whom only the genealogy of two is given here, as the descendants of these alone became distinguished. His only daughter, Kauran, he married to Sardar Lal Singh, a Jagirdar in the vicinity of Pakpattan, who took his brother-in-laws(Thakur Singh and Kor Singh) into his service, and they rode behind him in all his marauding expeditions till their sister, jealous for the influence of her husband, induced him to turn them adrift. Jawand Singh(son of Thakur Singh) with his cousins came to Lahore and entered the service of Ranjit Singh. For some time they remained unnoticed; but at the bloody battle of Baisah, fought near Attook in July, 1813, by Diwan Mobkam Chand against the Afghan Wazir, the cousins, six of whom were engaged in the fight, were so conspicuous for bravery and strength that the Maharaja gave them the jagir of Rangilpur, worth Rs. 2,500, and to Jawand Singh, who had specially distinguished himself, five villages in the Gujrat district, valued at Ra. 30,000, subject to the service of one hundred and fifty sawars ; and his brothers were placed under his command. In 1818 le served at Multan, and the next year in Kashmir where he was severely wounded in the side by a spear. For this wound he received an assignment of Rs. 2,500 per annum out of the Kashmir revenue. The family jagir at one time reached Rs. 1,85,000 including Rs. 2,000 from the estate of their inhospitable connection, Sardar Lal Singh.

Atter the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1839, and of Jawand Singh in 1840, the jagirs of the Mokal family remained in tact; those which had been specially assigned to Jawand Singh descending to his two sons, Bela Singh and Gurmukh Singh, for the estate had been divided in 1836. Their contingent of two hundred and fifty horsemen was, however, raised to three hundred, and the brothers were placed under the command of Prince Nao Nihal Singh. They did not get on well together; the elder suspecting the younger of a desire to obtain not only the larger portion of the jagir, but the Sardarship itself. Raja Hira Singh was minister at the time, and on a nazrana of Re. 20,000 being paid by Sardar Bela Singh he confirmed him in the chiefship and iagir, which Gurmukh Singh took o much to heart that he died of vexation shortly afterwards, in 1844. When the first Anglo Sikh War broke out, Sardars Bela Singh and Surjan Singh with two hundred horsemen joined the army, and formed part of the detachment which advanced to Mudki and Ferozeshah. They were both present at Sobraon; and Bela Singh severely wounded in the battle, was drowned in the Sutlej in the vain attempt to ford the river after the bridge of boats had been broken down. For several days his servants searched for his body, but it was never found. Minister at Lahore, nearly half of Sardar Bela Singh’s jagirs were resumed; but there was still left to Surjan Singh estates worth Rs. 83,800, of which Rs. 49,800 were subject to the service of one hundred and sixty-three sowars. Surjan Singh enjoyed this estate up to 1849, when, havring with his oousin, Khazan Singh, joined the national party, it was resumed, with the exoeption of Rangilupr, worth Re. 1,00), which had been assigned on the death of Sardar Gurmukh Singh as a provision for his widow and daughter. This was upheld to the widow Indra Kaur. Khazan Singh received a pension of Rs. 450, and Mukaddam Singh one of Rs. 72. Sardar Surjan Singh’s pension of Rs. 1,200 lapsed at his death in March, 1864. His son, Chatar Singh, who succeeded him as chief Lambardar, embraced the Muslim faith in 1879 and changed his name to that of Fateh Din. He died in 1914, leaving three sons, Aran Ilahi,, Barkat Ali and Akbar Ali. When Raja Lal Singh was confirmed as In 1858 Lana Singh was made a Risaldar in the Banda Military Police, in which he remained till 1861. In September, 1859, he distinguished himself by the manner in which he led his troop against very uperior numbers of the enemy, and on thia occasion he was wounded in the head, and his horse was wounded under him, but he mounted a fresh horse, and was again foremost in the ight and the pursuit. In 1861, when he was discharged on the reduction of the Police force, he was made Zaildar and Honorary Police Magistrate of twenty-eight villages in the neighbourhood of Mokal; and in 1862 he received a grant of 720 acres of waste land in rakh Mudki near Chunian. Mana Singh died in 1884 and his son, Narayan Singh, succeeded him as Zaildar and Lan- bardar, dying in 1900. His other two sons, Partab Singh and Labh Singh, became Muslims. The first, then called Bashir Ahmad Khan, owned about 2,200 acres of land in the Labore and Hissar districte, as well as a grant of 560 acres on the Chenab canal.Punjab Irrigation Departmen and retired as a Deputy Collector atter 30 years’ service on a pension of Re. 200 per month. He was the author of aeveral Urdu books on agriculture and of a history of the Mokal fanily. He died in 1924, leaving one son, Haitulla, whose son, Rashid Ahmed, is at present studying in the Government College, Lahore. Labh Singh, who took up the name of Muhammal Tmar, was a Zaildar and died in 1914, leaving two sons. The elder was Khan Bahadur Sardar Habibullah, Barrister-at-Law. He was a member of the Punjab Legislative Council and was at one time its Deputy President, the President of the Lahore District Board and a Municipal Commisionee of Lahore. In 1931 he attended the session of the League of Nations at Geneva. He is a member for the Punjab of the Indian Central Cotton Committee, Vice-President of the Punjab Branch of Indian Cham- ber of Commerce and General Secretary of Zimindars’ Union. He re ceived a grant of 24 8quares of land and Lambardari in the Lyallpur distriot. His younger brother, Karamatullah, is an M.A. of the Cam bridge University and its Tennis Blue. He is now Principal, deMoat morency College, Shahpur. Sardar Habibullah has three sons; the elder. Hamid Umar, is studying in the Military Academy at Dersdu and Khalid Umar and Saleem Umar are at the Aitahison College,Lahore. On the death of Muhammad Umar, the Zaildari passed to Arjun Singh, the son of Narain Singh. Godar Singh was Risaldar in Hodson’s Horse, in which regiment he served with areilit for over two years. He was discharged when his troop was disbanded in March, 1860. When the Chinese War broke out, Godar Singh volunteered his services, but there was no vacaney in Fane’s Horse at the time, and they were declined. He received a grant of 50 acres at Jand in rakh Mudki at the same time as his cousin Mana Singh. He was Zaildar of Thata Jaloki, Chunian, Lahore. On Mana Singh’s death he was granted his seat in Divisional Darbars and being the head of the senior branch was looked upon as the repreaentative of the family.He died in 1893 His son, Teja Singh, also changed his religion and was called Abdur Rahman.He was a Deputy Collector in the Punjab Irrigation Department, in which he served for over thirty years. In 1907 he was granted the title of Khan Bahadur in recognition of his long and approved services and general integrity. From 1914 to 1919 he was an Honorary Magistrate of the first class at Lahore. He was a Provincial Darbari and as the representative of the senior branch was regarded as head of the family. He owned about 268 acres of land in Mokal, where he was a Lambardar. In 1916 he was granted 18 squares in the Lower Bari Doab colony at Montgomery.His eldest son, Jamil Ullah,retired in 1927 from the post of Deputy Collector in he Irrigation De partment of the N.-W. F. Province, on a pension of Rs. 250 per mensem.He died in 1985. His eldest aon, Majid Ulah, is in the Indian Service of Engineers; the second, Amir Ullah, dierd early in life and his son, Azmat Ullah, was a Zilladar in the Irrigation Department; the third,Faqir Ullsh, B.A., LLB., was an Advocate in Lahore and owns three squares in the Lower Bari Doab colony. The fourth son, Nur Muham mad, was a Lambardar at Montgomery where he owns 10 squares of land.

The fifth son of Khan Bahadur Sardar Abdur Rehman ia Wali Muham- ad, who is a Deputy Collector in the Pujab Irrigation Department. Mukaddam Singh was a Risaldar, and on his retirement received a grant of 100 acres of land and was appointed as Zaildar of Sultanki in the Labore distriot. One of his sons, Kishen Singh, was a Dafadar in the 11th Bengal Lancers. Kishen Singh’s grandson, Chanan Singh, a head constable in the Lahore police, was murdered in 1928, while gallantry pursuing, eren though wounded by bullet, the murderer of Mr. Saunders of the Indian Police. Chanan Singh’s widow and infant daughter were granted one square of land each as a reward for this devoted service. Budha Singh, the brother of Mana Singh, was a Daffadar in the Banda police, which he left in 1861 when the force was reduced. His 80u, Smder Singh, in addition to other landed property, holds a grant of 11 squares of land in the Chenab colony. The family reside at Mokal in the Lahore district. They hold half the village in proprietary right, besides three shares in Kila Jaswant Singh, and considerable land in Sultanki.


  • Sardar Sonda Singh, was founder of Mokal Estate, he was brave Jatchief, was married had issue's with two sons :-
    • Thakur Singh
    • Kusir Singh, was married had issues with three sons :-
      • Jodh Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
        • Mukadam Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
          • Kishen Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
      • Nodh Singh
      • Nidhan Singh
  • Thakur Singh, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was married had issues with three sons :-
    • Gaur Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
      • Khazan Singh
      • Gyan Singh, was married had issues with three sons :-
        • Godar Singh
        • Sawal Singh
        • Gurdit Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
          • Bakshish Singh
    • Jiwan Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
      • Kishan Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
        • Kahan Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
          • Mana Singh (d.1884),became a Risaldar in the Banda Military Police, for which he distinguished himself, when leading his troops against a large number of the enemy. He was wounded in the head, but nevertheless, he was foremost in the battle. In 1861, he was discharged from the Police Force, and appointed a Zaildar of twenty-eight villages, in the vicinity of Mokal, later receiving a grant of 720 acres of land in Rukh Mudke, near Chunian (Pakistan), was married had issues with two sons :-
            • Narayan Singh (b.1849-d.1900), was Zaildar and Lambardar, was married had issues with two sons :-
              • Harnam Singh alias Ghulam Nabi, was married had issue :-
                • Nazir Ahmed
              • Arjun Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
                • Joginder Singh, was married had issues with three sons :-
                  • Judgebir Singh
                  • Harkawar Singh
                  • Harpeet Singh
                • Harjinder Singh (d.1999), was married had issues :-
                  • Bibiji Rana Gurinder Kaur
                  • Sarvinder Singh
                  • Veer Devinder Singh
                  • Daljinder Bassi
                  • Gurvinder Singh Sandhu
            • Pratap Singh (later Bushir Ahmad Khan), was born in 1952,was employed in the Punjab Irrigation Department, and owned about 2200 acres of land in the Lahore District, and received a grant of 500 acres of land in the Chenab Colony, which covered the entirety of the Lyallur (now Faisalabad) District, and parts of Jhang, Gujranwala and Lahore Districts. On his retirement as Deputy Collector after thirty years of service, he received a pension of Rs 200 per annum. He was editor of a newspaper, and author of several Urdu books on agriculture, and wrote extensively on the history of the Mokal family. He later adopted Islam, and was known as Sardar Bashir Ahmad Khan. He resided at Lal Kothi on Railway Road, Lahore, which still stands today. He was married twice; had issues :-
              • Begum Bashira
              • Begam Badar
              • Begam Hafeez
              • Begam Noor Jahan was married to Mehmood Khan
              • Hafeezullah Ahmad
              • Begam Hameeda
          • Labh Singh Alias Muhammad Omar (b.1855), was married had issues, he died in 1897 :-
            • Sardulullah Omar (died young)
            • Habibullah Omar , was born in 1889, He was Bar-in-law with the honourable society of Lincoln's Inn, London. Later, on his return to Pakistan, he became Chairman of the Zila Council Lahore, and Deputy Speaker of the Punjab Legislative Assembly, before the Partition of 1947. He was a feudal lord and owner of large lands in Punjab,was married had issues seven children's , he died in 1967 :-
              • Raufa Begum
              • Khursid Begum, was married to General Altaf Qadir
              • Rashida Begum
              • Hamid Omar
              • Salim Omar
              • Naeem Omar, was married had issue with one son :-
                • Suhail Omar
              • Khalid Omar, (b.1924), was a former member of the Provincial Assembly, and former Chairman Of Zila Council, Lahore,was married twice ; firstly to Begum Talat Khalid Omar, daughter of Nawab Syed Aizaz Rasul, from the United Province's (Uttar Pradesh) of India,second with to Begum Aizaz Rasul, Daughter of Nawab Sir Zulfiqar Ali Khan Of Malerkotla had issues with three children's , he died in 1994 :-
                • Adil Omar (b.1954) (from second wife), is a civil engineer by profession , and former chairman of Zila Council, Lahore.
                • Kamil Omar (b.1957)(from second wife), MBA is an international banker, former Parliamentary Secretary of Finance and Economic affairs, for the Government of Pakistan, He is also a member of the National Assembly (MNA).
                • Aqil Omar (b.1965)(from second wife), BA, LLB, studied law and is the former Nazim of the Union Council ans Presently is involved in bussiness.
    • Jawand Singh (d.1840), Jagirdar Of Rangilpur, he was served under the Bhatti Jat ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore,also he was participate in Battle Of Attock, with his six cousins under the Diwan Mokham Chand ,in July 1813,for their conspicuous bravery in the engagement, the Maharaja gave the cousins , the Jagir Of Rangilpur in the Lahore,worth Rs.2500.five villages in the Gujrat District worth Rs.30000, was married had issues with three sons :-
      • Bela Singh, was joined the advancing Lahore Empire Army to Mudki and Ferozeshah, against the invading British Army. later he was with his son served at the Battle of Sobraon in 1846, was married had issue with one son :-
        • Surjan Singh , Jagirdar Of Rangilpur, was received half of Sardar Bela Singh's Jagirs, during the premiership of Raja Lal Singh, in 1845, and inherited estates worth R$ 63,000, of which Rs 49,800 were subject to the service of one hundred and sixty three Sowars. In 1849, along with his uncle Sardar Khazan Singh, he joined the national party, during the rebellion against the British authorities. Although he held his estates, his pension of Rs 1,200 lapsed on his death, was married had issue with one son :-
          • Chattar Singh alias Fateh Din , was a Lambardar , was married to a Muslim lady and embraced Islam and was known as Fateh Din in 1879, had issues with three sons :-
            • Karam IIahi, was married had issue with one son :-
              • Muhammad Aslam (d.1967), was married had issues with three sons :-
                • Sher Afgan Mokal
                • Javaid Aslam Mokal
                • Hasan Akhtar Mokal,(b.1945), was born on August 14, 1947, at Village Mokal, District Kasur. He earned a Masters Degree in Political Science, in 1970, from Government College, Lahore. An agriculturist, he served as Member District Council, Kasur, during 1979-87, and as Chairman of the Market Committee, Kanganpur, during 1979-83. 83. He has served as Vice-President of the Asian Basketball Confederation, and is the President of Punjab Basketball Association. Having successively been elected a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab in 1985, he also functioned as Deputy Speaker Punjab Assembly, during 1988-90 and 1997-99. As a member of the Parliamentary delegation, he has attended Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, held in Ghana, in 1997, New Zealand in 1998, and the West Indies in 1999. He was elected for the sixth consecutive term as Member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, in General Elections in 2002. He worked as Minister for Management and Professional Development from 2003 to 2006. He served as Minister for Public Health, Engineering, and Professional Development from 2002-07, was married had issue's with three sons :-
                  • Vickas Hasan Mokal was born On June 23, 1976, in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He graduated in 1994, from Government College, Lahore, and earned his M.Sc degree in economics, from Lahore School of Economics, in 1997. An agriculturist, who has been elected as Member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, in the general elections of 2013 till 2018. He is functioning as Chairman of the Standing Committee on Management & Professional Development Department. He has visited Japan, India, USA, UK and Saudi Arabia. From 2009 to 2011, he was involved in the US Aid Economic Empowerment Project, and is Chairman of the SDG Task Force in Punjab. To his credit are three publications titled "Textile Policy 2005" (2002) "SME Development" (2005) and "Leather, Gems and Jewellery Textiles Ceramics" (2009). His hobbies include golf and cricket. His ancestral village of Qila Jawand Singh, tehsil Depalpur, District Okara, was the centre of the huge Mokal Estate, which originally had stretched from Pakpattan (Pakistan) to Ferozepur, in India. He is married to Sara Zafar Cheema from Gujranwala, had issues with three sons :-
                    • Fatima Hasan (b.2011)
                    • Karam IIahi (b.2012)
                    • Maira Hasan Mokal (b.2017)
                  • Jehanzeb Hasan
                  • Alihasan Mokal
            • Faujdar Singh
            • Narinder Singh
      • Gurmukh Singh
      • Kishen Singh
  • Risaldar Sardar Godar Singh, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was born in 1826, He became a Risaldar in Hodson's Horse, and served with credit in the regiment. However, in 1860, he was discharged, when his troops were disbanded, and during the outbreak of the Chinese War, he volunteered for service in Fane's Horse. As no vacancies were available, his offer was declined by the authorities, and he received a grant of fifty acres of land in Rukh Mudke, in the Lahore District. He became a Zaildar, and on the death of his first cousin, Sardar Manna Singh, he was granted a seat in the Divisional Durbars, was married had issues with four sons, he died in 1893 :-
    • Khan Bahadur Teja Singh alias Abdur Rehman Khan Bahadur , was born in 1847,served as Deputy Collector in the Punjab Irrigation Department for thirty years. When he adopted Islam, he was known as Abdur Rahman. Later, he was granted the title of 'Khan Bahadur" by the British Government, in recognition for his long service and integrity in 1907. He owned about 268 acres of land and many villages around Mokal. He lived mainly in Lahore, becoming an Honorary Magistrate and was a Provincial Durbari, was married had issues with five children's, He died in 1929 :-
      • Jamilullah Khan, was married had issue :-
        • Majidullah Khan
      • Amirullah Khan , was married had issue :-
        • Azmatullah
      • Fakirullah Khan, was married had issues with three children's :-
        • Shujatullah
        • Bashira Iftikar
        • Inayatullah
      • Noor Mohammad (died issueless)
      • Wali Mohanmmad
    • Baj Singh
    • Shahbeg Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
      • Richpal Singh
    • Hari Singh.
  • Sardar Hari Singh, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was married had issue with one son :-
    • Sartaj Singh Sandhu
  • Sardar Sartaj Singh Sandhu, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was born in 1906, was married had issue with one son , he died in 1968 :-
    • Parshottham Singh
  • Sardar Parshottham Singh, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was born in 1932, was married to Sardarni Jagbir Kaur, the daughter of the Sardar Resham Singh Hanjra Of Jhurar Khera, near Abohar. had issue with one daughter and two sons , he died in 2010 :-
    • Bibiji Surinder Kaur, married to Sardar Devinder Singh Sidhu of Sammewali, Muktsar;
    • Kuldeep Singh (b.1959)
    • Kulbir Singh (b.1963), was married had issues with one daughter and son :-
      • Bibiji Anureet Kaur (b.1997), is a graduate (B. Tech) in computer science, which she completed from Chitkara University, near Solan, in Himachal Pradesh, in June 2018.
      • Ajaypal Singh (b.1999), is a student in B.Tech, undergoing his third year in electrical, from Thapar University, Patiala.
  • Sardar Kuldeep Singh, Jagirdar Of Mokal, was born in 1959,was married to Sardarni Jaswinder Kaur Chahal of Sher Khan Wala, Mansa, had issues with one son and daughter :-
    • Sachandeep Singh (b.1988), is an agriculturist, was married to Sardarni Sandeep Kaur Bhangu in 2012,she is a teacher by profession,was married had issues with one daughter and son :-
      • Bibiji Kohreen Kaur
      • Fateh Singh (b.2017)
    • Bibiji Surpreet Kaur .(M.Sc), is serving in the Mansa Health Department as counsellor.
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