




Hindi Name


Time Period

15th century to 1947


Chaudhari Ghumman, the founder of the Sidhu Jat tribe, came originally from Bhati Jat of Malwa, about 400 years ago during the reign of the Emperor Akbar, at the invitation of the famous Chaudhari Changa, whose daughter he married, and settled negatarantaran in the Amritsar district, where he founded a village named Sidhu which is still the residence of one part of the family, The four branches of the family now of any importance, will be treated of in order, but although once very powerful and in possession of large jagirs, the Sidhus Lave now fallen into decay and have little or no political importance.

Kapur Singh, the seventh in descent from Chaudhari Ghumman, the founder of Sidhu, lived during the reign of Muhammad Shak, and first became distinguished as the successful plunderer of an imperial caravan proceeding, with rich gift, from Dehli to Mecca. The caravan was, however, robbed on strictly religious principles, and the silver doors of the Dorshoni of the Amritsar Temple, bear witness, to this day, to the piety of the robbers. Kapur Singh obtained both wealth and reputation by this exploit, and his wife and the wife of the powerful Sirdar Gujar Singh happening to be both pregnant at the time, it was agreed that if a boy and a girl were born, they should be at once betrothed. The wife of Kapur Singh soon after gave birth to a son, the famous Jodh Singh, and Sirdar Gujar Singh’s wife giving birth to a girl, the children wee betrothed, and when they grew up were married. The three sons of Kapw Singh acquired se parate estates. Sukka Singh took possession of Uthian; Lakkha Singh of Awan, and Jodh Singh seized, at different times, a great part of the Sowrian pargannah, inclusive of the Ilalas of Jagdeo, Ghuoiwala, Karial and Sowrian, worth about 1,50,000 Rs. The estates of Sukha Singh and Lakka Singh many have been each worth 20,000 rs. The reputation of JodhSingh for bravery was great. He joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh just before the attempt on Lahore in 1799, and that chief is reported to have said that Jodh Singh’s adhesion to his cause outweighed the hostility of all the other Bhangis. It is certain that his influence with Chet Singh of Lahore had much to do with Ranjit Singh’s peaceful occupation of the city.

Sirdar Jodh Singh held his possessions intact through a long life of war and commotion, and his son Amir Singh was equally fortunate and was treated with great consideration by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. But soon after the death of Amir Singh in 1825, the whole estate was confiscated, with other jagirs belonging to the different members of this family, and the irregular force of the Sirdar was placed under the command of Prince Sher Singh. The five sons of Sultan Singh received 5,000 rs. a year, in addition to the pay of the military appointments they held.

Karam Singh, was the representative ‘of the family, served in many campaigns, including those of Tebri, Peshawar and Hazara, He was received, under tho Darbar, 1,800 rs. per annum, subject to the service of three sward. He joined, with other members of his family, the rebel army in 1848, and his jagir and allowances were consequently resumed; but he was received a pension of 240 Rs, and also had proprietary right over half the village of Uthian, where he resides. His cousin Budha Singh was entored the service af Government in 1857, later he was Daffadar in a native regiment.


  • Chaudhari Changa,Jagirdar Of Sidhu , during the reign of the Emperor Akbar he was Jagirdar.he was Great Grandson of Chaudhari Ghumman ,who was Founder of Sidhu Estate , his Jagir was later divided into four parts by his descendants.
  • Sardar Kapur Singh ,1st Jagirdar Of Uthianwala, was the seventh in descent from Chaudhari Ghumman, the founder of Sidhu, lived during the reign of Muhammad Shak, and first became distinguished as the successful plunderer of an imperial caravan proceeding, with rich gift, from Dehli to Mecca. The caravan was, however, robbed on strictly religious principles, and the silver doors of the Dorshoni of the Amritsar Temple, bear witness, to this day, to the piety of the robbers. Kapur Singh obtained both wealth and reputation by this exploit, and his wife and the wife of the powerful Sirdar Gujar Singh happening to be both pregnant at the time, it was agreed that if a boy and a girl were born, they should be at once betrothed. The wife of Kapur Singh soon after gave birth to a son-
    • Lakka Singh
    • Sukka Singh ,was married had issue with one son –
      • Dyal Singh , was married had issue with one son –
        • Karam Singh
    • Jodh Singh
  • Sardar Lakka Singh,Jagirdar Of Sidhu , during the reign of the Emperor Akbar he was Jagirdar.he was Great Grandson of ChaudhariGhumman ,who was Founder of Sidhu Estate , his Jagir was later divided into four parts by his descendants.
  • Sardar Jodh Singh ,3rd Jagirdar Of Uthianwala, was bravery warrior , He joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh just before the attempt on Lahore in 1799, and that chief is reported to have said that Jodh Singh's adhesion to his cause outweighed the hostility of all the other Bhangis. It is certain that his influence with Chet Singh of Lahore had much to do with Ranjit Singh's peaceful occupation of the city, was married had issue with son –
    • Amir Singh
  • Sardar Amir Singh,4th Jagirdar Of Uthianwala, was equally fortunate and was treated with great consideration by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. But soon after the death of Amir Singh in 1825, the whole estate was confiscated, with other jagirs belonging to the different members of this family, was married had issue with two sons –
    • Dal Singh
    • Fateh Singh , was married had issue with one son –
      • Budha Singh
  • Sardar Karam Singh ,5th Jagirdar Of Uthianwala, was Karam Singh, was the representative ‘of the family, served in many campaigns, including those of Tebri, Peshawar and Hazara, He was received, under thoDarbar, 1,800 rs. per annum, subject to the service of three sward. He joined, with other members of his family, the rebel army in 1848, and his jagir and allowances were consequently resumed; but he was received a pension of 240 Rs, and also had proprietary right over half the village of Uthian, where he resides.
  • Sardar Budh Singh ,6th Jagirdar Of Uthianwala, wasentored the service af Government in 1857, later he was Daffadar in a native regiment.
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