Coat Of Arms






Hindi Name


Time Period



Raja Badan Singh of Deeg granted the principality of Weir/Berigarh to his son Pratap Singh around the 1739. Raja Pratap Singh was well educated in Persian and Sankrit. He was more of a Mughal prince then a Jat. In the style of tying his turban,the fashion of his dress as well as his favourite dishes, he immitated the manner of Delhi. The famous Hindu poet Somnath was one of his court poets. Raja Pratap Singh remained loyal to his brother Maharaja Surajmal and acted as a vassal king. He is particularly known for his valour at the Battle of Bhopal(24 December 1737).

Raja Pratap Singh was succeeded by Raja Bahadur Singh. Raja Bahadur Singh went a step ahead of his father. He took the study of the Quran and read up to the Shura Jami, though he remained a practicing Hindu. He had served his uncle Maharaja Suraj Mal very faithfully and was rewarded with a several additions of his appendage. He was wealthy and powerful, possessed a good and numerous artillery, and had in his pay a considerable army. After the death of Suraj Mal, Bahadur Singh believed that he had at least as much right to the dominion of the Sinsinwars as Jawahar Singh and showed by his activity and conduct that he desired to govern Weir as a master and not at the pleasure of another. Jawahar Singh marched in the midst of the rainy season against Weir and invested it on all sides. Bahadur Singh defended himself valiantly for three months, the besiegers underwent great hardship, because that year the rain fell in a deluge. Partly by false peace proposals and partly by the treachery of some chief within, the fort was carried by assault and Bahadur Singh seized and carried off as prisoner to Bharatpur whence he was released at the birth of Keshri Singh(nephew of Jawahar Singh) and was again restored as the king. Over generations Weir was reduced to the rank of an ordinary jagir.


  • Raja Shri Pratap Singh Bahadur, he was granted the principality of Weir around 1739, and succeeded there as Raja Pratap Singh of Weir; married and had issue. He died 2nd November 1745.
  • Raja Shri Bahadur Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, married and had issue.
  • Raja Shri Bhup Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, married and had issue.
  • Raja Shri Kehri Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, married and had issue.
  • Raja Shri Zorawar Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, married and had issue.
  • Raja Shri Samundar Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, educated at Mayo College, Ajmer, then served with the Imperial Cadet Corps in Dehradun, served as Double Company Commander in the Bharatpur Imperial Service Infantry, married and had issue. He died after 1914.
    • Raja Shri Brijendra Singh Bahadur, (see below)
    • Kunwar Shri Gajendra Singh(also titled Raja) , educated at Prem Mahavidyalay, Vrindavan, married and had issue
      • Kunwar Bhupendra Singh, married and had issue.
      • Bibiji?? Kaur
    • Kunwar Shri Narendra Singh (also titled Raja) ,educated at Mayo College ,married and had issue one son
      • Kunwar Virendra Singh , married and had issue,
        • Kunwar Yogendra Singh, born 1st November 1961 educated at Rajasthan University, Jaipur, married and had issue,
          • Kunwar Prashant Singh, born 26th July 1993, educated from Rajasthan University(BBA) and MTU Noida(MBA), married and has issue, a daughter.
    • Kunwar Shri Surendra Singh(also titled Raja).
  • Raja Shri Brijendra Singh Bahadur, Raja of Weir, educated at Mayo College, Ajmer; he enjoys a cash allowance in lieu of a jagir. He died after 1931, married and left issue,
  • Kunwar Rajendra Singh, married and left issue, 2 daughters.
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