





Hindi Name


Time Period

late 18th century – 1947


Jarkhi formerly gave its name to the taluqa held by a Sikarwar Jat family. Prior to the British conquest it was held by another tribe of Jats( as a grant from Kriparam, the Jat Diwan of Etmadpur) and in 1803 was given in lease to Dehra Singh, a moncy-londer of Mahawan in Muttra. His son, Jugal Kishor, held a property of 41 villages. . The family residence consists of a group of masonry buildings defended by a mud wall and a deep ditch. The Agra District Gazetteer gave us this information about the Jarkhi taluqa –

‘Jarkhi is a Jat property, which originated in a taluqa of 41 villages held in 1803 by Sundar and Dalip Singh, ancestors of the present owners. Between 1816 and 1820, Dheri Singh, the grandson of Dalip, fell into arrears and his property was made over to Raja Daya Ram of Hathras; but after a very short time it was restored to Dheri Singh’s son, Jugal Kishor. Arrears again accumulatod and the estate was soquestrated by Government; but at the settlement of 1840 the descendants of Dehri Singh were admitted to engage for 21 villages and were declared tuluqdars in the others, sottlement being mado with the biswadars. The talugdars have since bought up the subordinate rights and now hold an extensive property. At the present time Sheobaran Singh and Bhagwan Singh each possess twenty villages in Itimadpur, assessed at R, 7,901 and Rs. 8,139 respectively , while the former holds a lease of the large village of Barauli Gujar in Agra, and the two hold jointly the village of Alampur in Firozabad. Another branch of the family, represented by Kunwar Sheopal Singh and others, possess 14 villages in Itimadpur. ‘.

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