Raja Sir Harnam Singh Of Kapurthala, KCIE (31.12.1898, CIE 1.1.1885). born at Kapurthala Fort in 15th November 1851  he was son of Raja Randhir Singh Bahadur Of Kapurthala  He was done education from American Presbytarian Mission School, Kapurthala. Left Kapurthala in 1872 after a disagreement with his elder brother and settled at Jullundur. And Baptised as a Christian. Superintendent of the Oudh estates 1876- 1895, Member of  Calcutta International Exhibition Committee 1883-1884, Member Hemp Drugs Commissioner 1893-1894, MLC India and MLC Punjab 1900-1902, Member Indian Council of State 1920. Represented the Maharaja of Kapurthala at the Golden Jubilee Celebrations for Queen Victoria in 1887. Granted the personal title of “KanwarBahadur”,promote  to “Raja” 1907 (made hereditary 12th December 1911). Chair Society for the Protection of Children in India 1902. President National Missionary Association of India 1905. Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in India. Elder Scots’ Church Shimla. Patron Indian Christian Association (ICA) of the UP of Agra & Oudh. Honorable Life Sec. British India Association of Taluqdars of Oudh. Hon Fellow of Punjab University Life Member Court of Lucknow University MRAS (GB & Ire). Trustee of “The Tribune” newspaper. And received of Wales’s Silver Medal (1876), KIH Silver Medal (1877), Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee Gold Medal (1887), King Edward VII Coron (1903), Delhi Durbar (1903), and King George V Delhi Durbar (1911) silver medals.

He was married at Lucknow, 1875 with  Rani Priscilla, Also know as  Lady Harnam Singh (b. 1849; d. September 1924), née Priscilla Golaknath, Chair Indian Women’s Memorial 1901, Founder Jullunder Infant Welfare Centre and Lady Chelmsford Purdah Club (Shimla), Member Lady Reading Hospital Advisory Board and received Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee Gold Medal in 1887, and Edward VII Coron Silver Medal in 1903, third daughter of The Rev Charles Golak Nath Chaterjee, of Jullundur, sometime Professor of Mathematics, Government College Lahore, Punjab, and Minister of the Scottish American Presbyterian Mission, by his Kashmiri wife, Salina, née Tickoo. He was died at The Manor, Shimla, 20th May 1930.

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