He was a Jat chieftain of Rohtak according to Elliot he was Samanta of Tomar kings of Delhi, . According to the Records of Hari Ram Bhat of karwara Muzaffarnagar) Jatwan was Gathwala Malik.


After the defeat of Maharaja Prithviraj in 1192 A.D., the jats of Haryana raised the revolt to protect Hansi from muhammaden invasion , under a capable chief, named Jatwan. Raja Jatwan besieged the Muslim commander at Hansi. On receiving this news Qutb-ud-din marched twelve farsakhs, i.e., about 40 miles during one night. Raja Jatwan raised the siege of Hansi and prepared for an obstinate conflict. “The armies attacked each other” says the author of Taj-ULMaasir “like two hills of steel, and the field of battle [on the borders of the Bager country] became tulip-dyed with the blood of warriors … Jatwan had his standards of God-plurality and ensigns of perdition lowered by the hand of power.

The jats had loss the battel but the force of Qutb-ud-din had a great loss.He was given a tough battle by Raja Jatwan.

References :-

  • History of jats :- By Kalika Ranjan Kanungo
  • Taj-UL-Maasir
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