The founder of the Bhangi Misal, Chaudhari Chajja Singh (later Sardar Chajja Singh Bhangi), a Jat, was a native of Panjwar village, eight km from Amritsar. He was the first companion of Banda Singh to receive Sikh baptism. According to Kanaihya Lai, he had taken pahul at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh. The Bhangi Misal is said to have its name from its founder’s addiction to bhang — an intoxicating preparation of hemp. After the death of Banda Singh, Chajja Singh administered pahul to Bhima (Bhuma) Singh, Natha Singh and Jagat Singh and made them his companions. Accompanied by many others, he took to vigorous activities and harassing the tyrannical government officials. Chajja Singh’s companions whole-heartedly cooperated with him in his armed operations in the face of grave dangers from the all-out efforts of the government to liquidate them.

A little later Chajja Singh was joined by Mohan Singh and Gulab Singh of Dhoussa village, six miles north-east of Amritsar, Karora Singh of Choupal, Gurbakhsh Singh, a Sandhu Jat of Roranwala, Agar Singh Khangora and Sawan Singh Randhawa. They all took pahul from Chajja Singh and formed a strong band of anti-state activists. 6 They carried conviction in their heads that Guru Gobind Singh had destined the rajor sovereign power of the Punjab for them. With that mission before them they were vehemently inspired to pursue their activities against the Mughal government of the Punjab. In due course of time Chajja Singh passed away.

References :-

  • Al-ud-Din Mufti, op. tit, p. 245; Kanhaiya Lai, op. tit, p. 89.
  • Rattan Singh Bhangu, Prachin Panth Parkash (1841), Amritsar, 1939, p. 199; Kanaihya Lai, op. tit, p. 89.
  • Ahmad Shah Batalia, op. tit, p. 15; Bute Shah, op. tit, p. 6.
  • Ahmad Shah Batalia, op. tit, p. 15; Muhammad Latif, op. tit, Calcutta, 1891,
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