Coat Of Arms







Princely State


Hindi Name





3,364.41 km² (1948)

Time Period

1755 – 20th August 1948

Gun Salute

13 (Local – 15)


Farzand-i-Dilband, Rasikh-ul-Itiqad-i-Daulat-i-Inglishia, Raja-i-Rajgan, H.H Maharaja (personal name) Singh Rajendra Bahadur, Maharaja of Jind


The ruling family of Jind has a common ancestor with that of Patiala, in the celebrated Sidhu Jat, Chaudhary Phul, from whom so many of the best houses in the Punjab have sprung. Raja Gajpat Singh, founder of the Jind dynasty, was a great grandson of Phul. His daughter, Bibi Raj Kanwar, married Sardar Mahan Singh, Sukarchakia, and became the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Lahore. Gajpat Singh took part in the Sikh coalition of 1763 against Zin Khan, Afghan Governor of Sarhind, and received a large tract of country as his share of the spoil, including the districts of Jind and Safidon. His rebellion was condoned by the Court of Delhi, and he was appointed izaredar of the villages in his possession. In 1767, his accounts were a lakh and a half in arrears, and the local Governor put pressure upon him for settlement by sending him a prisoner to Delhi. He ultimately discharged the demand and was taken into favour, receiving the title of Raja in a Royal Firman under the seal of the Emperor Shah Alam. This was in 1772. From this time Gajpat Singh assumed the style of an independent.

His position on the north-western corner of the Rohtak country made it easy for him to invade Gohana and Hissar whenever the Mahratas happened to have their hands full elsewhere; and he and his son, Bhag Singh, ultimately held these territories as lessees of the Mahratas, and held them until the beginning of the present century. Raja Bhag Singh had shrewdly held aloof from the combination against the English; and when Sindia’s power was ultimately broken and that Chief was obliged, under the Treaty of 30th December, 1803. to surrender his possessions west of the Yamuna, Lord Lake rewarded Bhag Singh by confirming his title in the Gohana estates.

He afterwards accompanied Lord Lake as far as the Bias in his pursuit of Jaswant Rao Holkar, and he was sent as an envoy to his nephew, the Maharaja Ranjit Singh, to dissuade him from assisting the fugitive Prince. The mission was successful and Holkar was compelled to leave the Punjab, and Bhag Singh received as his reward the pargana of Bawana to the south-west of Panipat.

Raja Bhag Singh died in 1819 after ruling thirty years. Troublous times followed, and his grandson Sangat Singh was obliged for a period to desert his capital and make over the administration to foreign hands. Matters, however, mended after his death, sonless, in 1834 was then raised, as there were no direct heirs, though the collateral claimants were many. Orders were finally passed, in 1837, in favour of Sarup Singh, a third cousin of the deceased Raja, as the nearest male heir. But he was held as having no right to succeed to more territory than was possessed by his great grandfather, Gajpat Singh, through whom he derived his title. This consisted of Jind Proper and nine other parganas, containing three hundred and twenty-two villages, having a revenue of Rs. 2,36,000 Estates yielding Rs. 1,82,000 were resumed by the British Government as escheats.

The question of escheat Raja Sarup Singh’s behaviour during the First Sikh War was all that could be desired. His contingent served with the British troops, and every assistance was rendered in the matter of carriage and supplies. He received in reward a grant of land of the annual value of Rs. 3,000,another grant, yielding Rs. 1,000, was shortly afterwards added in consideration of the abolition of his State transit to this dues. In 1847, the Raja received a Sanad, where under the British Government engaged never to demand from him or his successors tribute or revenue, or commutation in lieu of troops; the Raja on his part promising to aid with all his resources in case of war, to maintain the military roads, and to suppress sati, slave-dealing, and infanticide in his territories.

Raja Sarup Singh’s loyalty was again conspicuous during the Mutiny. He occupied the cantonment of Karnal with eight hundred men, and held the ferry over the Jamna at Bhagpat, twenty miles north of Delhi, thus enabling the Mirat force to join Sir H. Barnard’s column. The Raja was personally engag- ed in the battle of Alipur on the Sth of June, and received the congratulations of the Commander-in-Chief, who presented him with one of the captured guns. His contingent ultimately took a prominent part in the assault on the city, scaling the walls with the British troops, and losing many of their number in killed and wounded. He was further active through- out in sending supplies to the besieging force and in keeping open the lines of communication and preserving order in the districts adjoining his State.

These splendid services received a fitting reward in the bestowal upon him of the Dadri territory covering nearly six hundred square miles, forfeited for disloyalty by the Nawab of Bahadurgarh. The state now yields over two lakhs of revenue per annum. He was also given thirteen villages, assessed at Rs. 138,000, in the Kalaran pargana, close to Sangrur, where the Raja had his capital. His salute was raised to eleven guns; and, like the other Phulkian Chiefs, he received a Sanad granting to him the power of adoption in case of failure of natural heirs, and legalizing the appointment of a successor by the two other Phulkian Chiefs in the event of the Raja dying without nominating an heir.

Raja Sarup Singh died in 1864. He is described as “in person and presence eminently princely. The stalwart Sikh race could hardly show a taller or a stronger man. Clad in armour, as he loved to be, at the head of his troops, there was perhaps no other Prince in India who bore himself so gallantly and looked so true a soldier. The British Government has never had an ally more true in heart than Sarup Singh, who served it from affection and not from fear,”

The Raja was nominated as Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India a few months before his death. He was succeeded by his son, Raghbir Singh, who was in every way worthy of his father. Immediately after his installation he was called upon to put down a serious insurrection in the newlyacquired territory of Dadri. He objected to the new revenue assessment which had been based upon the English system, though the rates were much heavier than those prevailing in the neighbouring British. Fifty villages broke into open revolt, the, Police Station of Badrah was seized, and rude entrenchments were thrown up outside some of the villages, while the tribes of Bikaner and Shekhawati were invited to help, on promise of plunder and pay. Raja Raghbir Singh lost no time in hurrying to the scene of the disturbance with about two thousand men of all arms. The village of Charki, where the ringleaders of the rebellion had entrenched themselves, was carried by assault, and two other villages were treated in like manner, and within six weeks of the outbreak the country was again perfectly quiet.

Raja Raghbir Singh furnished a contingent of seven hundred soldiers during the Afghan War in the Kuram Valley, and aided the British troops in holding the posts beyond our border. The Raja was a most able and enlightened Ruler; and his death, which occurred in 1887, while he was still in his prime, was regarded as a serious loss to the whole province. His only son, Balbir Singh, died in his father’s life-time, leaving a son, Ranbir Singh was born in 1879.


  • Chaudhary Shri Shukchain, of Balanwali and Badrukhan. b. at Phul, 1683, younger son of Chaudhary Tilok Chand. m. before 1737, Agan Kaur, daughter of Chuhar Singh, a Bhuller Jat from Mandi. He d. at Phul, 1758, having had issue, three sons
    • Sardar Shri Alam Singhji, of Balanwali. A brave soldier who fought against the Imperial troops, and secured a great territory after the conquest of Sirhind in 1763. m. (first) a lady from the Gill clan of Gholia Chubara. m. (second) a lady from the Man clan of Maur Saboki. m. (third) Malan Kaur (m. second, ca. 1764, her youngest brother-in-law, Sardar Bulaki Singh - see below), daughter of a Dhaliwal zamindar. He d. after a fall from his horse, 1764.
    • Raja Shri Gajpat Singhji, Raja of Jind (s/o Agan Kaur) - see below.
    • Sardar Shri Bulaki Singh, of Dialpura. m. (first) at Kot Kapura, Taran Kaur, from the Nehre Sandaun family. m. (second), ca. 1764, Malan Kaur, widow of his elder brother, Sardar Alam Singh, of Balanwali. He d. at Dialpura, 1785, having had issue, two sons:
      • Sardar Mirza Singh, of Dialpura (s/o Taran). He left issue: Ancestor of the Mirza-kaDialpuria family
      • Mian Jitu Singh (s/o Malan).
  • Raja Shri GAJPAT SINGH, 1st Raja of Jind 1763/1789, born 15th April 1738, he seized a large tract of country, including Jind and Safidori in 1755, he joined the Dal Khalsa and took part in the conquest of Sirhind, Panipat and Karnal, he made Jind his capital in 1766, he was granted the title of Raja under a royal decree by Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II in February 1772, he seized and held the territory of Sangrur in 1774, which belonged to the Raja of Nabha, married 1stly, a daughter of Sardar Kishan Singh Monshia (Mansahia?), married 2ndly, 1764, one of his brother's widows, and had issue. He died 11th November 1789 at Sufidon.
    • Kanwar Mehr Singh, married and had issue. He died 1780.
      • Sardar Hari Singh, born about 1773, married Bibi Dya Kaur, daughter of Saunda Singh Khanah, and had issue. He died 1791.
        • Bibi Chand Kaur, born about 1790, married (as his second wife), Sardar Fateh Singh of Thanesar. She died sp in 1850.
    • Sardarni Raj Kaur, married 1774, Sardar Mahan Singh Sukerchakia of Lahore, and had issue.
    • Raja Bhag Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Bhup Singh, Chief of Badrukhan and Bazidpur, married 1stly, a daughter of Arbel Singh of Kaleki, married 2ndly, a daughter of Gajju Singh of Ralla, and had issue. He died 1815.
      • Sardar Karam Singh (by 1st wife), Chief of Bazidpur, married and had issue. He died 1818.
        • Raja Sarup Singh (qv)
      • Sardar Basawa Singh (by 2nd wife), Chief of Badrukhan, married and had issue. He died 1830.
        • Sardar Sukha Singh, married and had issue. He died 1852.
          • Harnam Singh, married and had issue. He died 1856.
          • HH Raja Sir Hira Singh Malvinder Bahadur, Raja of Nabha.
        • Sardar Bhagwan Singh, married and had issue. He died 1852.
          • Sardar Diwan Singh, born 1841, married and had issue.
            • Sardar Harnarain Singh, born 1861.
            • Sardar Shamsher Singh, born 1872, the premier Darbari of Jind, married and had issue. He died 22nd July 1906.
              • Sardar Fateh Singh, educated at Aitchison College, Lahore.
              • Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur [HH Maharani Malvender Kaur of Dholpur], married 1911, Lt.Col. HH Rais ud-Daulah Sipahdar ul-Mulk Saramad Rajha-i-Hind Maharajadhiraj Sri Sawai Maharaj Rana Sir Udaibhan Singh Lokindra Bahadur Diler Jung Jai Deo, 6th Maharaj Rana of Dholpur, and had issue.
          • Sardar Sher Singh, born 1844, died 1882.
          • Sardar Chattar Singh, died 1861.
    • Bibi Begama Kaur (by 2nd wife)
  • Raja Shri BHAG SINGH, 2nd Raja of Jind 1789/1819, born 23rd September 1760, he was a man of extraordinary vigour, intelligence and diplomatic astuteness, he maintained friendly relations with the British and accompanied Lord Lake to the River Beas in pursuit of Jaswant Rao Holkar, married 1stly, Rani Dya Kaur, daughter of Bakhsu Singh of Bari Mansa, married 2ndly, Rani Sada Kaur, daughter of Pakhar Singh of Jodhpur Subake, married 3rdly, Rani Sobrahi Kaur of the Kaleki zamindari family, she was killed on 23rd August 1814, and had issue. He died 1819.
    • Raja Fateh Singh (by Rani Dya Kaur) (qv)
    • Kunwar Pratap Singh (by Rani Sada Kaur), married 1stly, Bibi Bhagbari, daughter of Sardar Kirpal Singh of Shamgarh, married 2ndly, Mai Sul Rai, a daughter of Sadha Singh Kakar of Philor. He died sp in June 1816
    • Kunwar Mahtab Singh (by Rani Sobrahi Kaur), born 1800, died sp in or about March 1816.
  • Raja Shri FATEH SINGH, 3rd Raja of Jind 1819/1822, born 1789, married 1stly, Rani Khem Kaur, died sp, daughter of Sardar Didar Singh, married 2ndly, Rani Sahib Kaur, Regent of Jind, daughter of Sardar Kushal Singh Burnewala, and had issue. He died 3rd February 1822 in Sangrur.
    • Raja Sangat Singh (by Rani Sahib Kaur) (qv)
  • Raja Shri SANGAT SINGH, 4th Raja of Jind 1822/1834, born 1811, installed on gaddi on 30th July 1822, married 1stly, in April 1824, Rani Sabha Kaur, born about 1812, daughter of Sardar Ranjit Singh of Shahabad, married 2ndly, Rani Sukhan, daughter of Sardar Jiun Singh Dhaliwal, married 3rdly, Rani Nand Kaur, daughter of Dulla Singh of Tibba. He died sp on 2nd November 1834.
  • Raja Shri SARUP SINGH K.C.S.I., 5th Raja of Jind 1837/1864, born 30th May 1812, son of Sardar Karam Singh of the Bazidpur branch, he formally ascended the gadi in April 1837, he maintained cordial relations with the British and his loyalty to them during the Anglo-Sikh wars and the uprising of 1857 was rewarded with the grant of territories, the right of adoption in case of failure of direct heirs and other concessions, he was granted Dadri in Haryana and thirteen villages near Sangrur, a house in Delhi and an eleven gun salute, he introduced many reforms in his state on the British model, particularly concerning revenue and police administration, he was nominated Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (K.C.S.I.) in September 1863; married and had issue. He died of dysentery on 26th January 1864 at Bazidpur.
    • Raja-i-Rajgan Raghubir Singh (qv)
    • Kunwar Randhir Singh, died sp in 1848.
  • Raja Shri Raja-i-Rajgan RAGHUBIR SINGH, 6th Raja of Jind 1864/1887, born 1832, installed on the gaddi on 31st March 1864, he was created a Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (K.C.S.I.), and at the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi, on 1st January 1877, on the occasion of the Proclamation of Her Most Gracious Majesty as Empress of India, he was appointed a Councillor of the Empress; he was granted the title of Raja-i-Rajgan in 1881, married 1stly, a daughter of Chaudhuri Jowahir Singh of Dadri, married 2ndly, a daughter of Sardar Dhian Singh Gill of Rajamajra, and had issue. He died 7th March 1887 (#1).
    • Bibiji (name unknown) [Sardarni Sahiba of Kalsia] (by 1st wife), married in April 1865, Sardar Bishan Singh of Kalsia.
    • Tikka Sahib Balbir Singh Bahadur (by 1st wife), born 1856, married and had issue. He died vp before 1887.
      • Col. HH Farzand-i-Dilband Rasikh-ul-Itikad Daulat-i-Inglishia Raja-i-Rajgan Maharaja Sir Ranbir Singh Rajendra Bahadur (qv)
      • Rani Balbir Kaur, married 1902, Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh of Hathras, and had issue. She died 1925.
      • Bibiji Ranbir Kaur [Sardarni Sahiba of Kalsia], married Sardar Ranjit Singh of Kalsia, and had issue, one son and daughter.
        • Sardar Ravi Sher Singh of Kalsia (qv)
        • Bibiji Rajan Kaur, married Kumar Shri Ghanshyamsinhji Daulatsinhji, son of HH Thakore Sahib Shri Sir Daulatsinhji Jashwantsinhji of Limbdi (qv)
  • Col. HH Farzand-i-Dilband Rasikh-ul-Itikad Daulat-i-Inglishia Raja-i-Rajgan Maharaja Sir RANBIR SINGH Rajendra Bahadur G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., 7th Maharaja of Jind 1887/1948, born 11th October 1879 (#2), he succeeded to the gadi as a minor on 7th March 1887, educated privately, has built schools and hospitals, instituted Fund for Widows and Orphans of State servants, and made Primary Education free in Jind, Maharaja [cr. xx.12.1911], G.C.I.E. [cr. 1.1.1916], K.C.S.I. [cr. 1.1.1909], received Delhi Durbar Medals 1903 and 1911, married 1stly (secretly and unequally), in September 1900 at Sangrur, Maharani Jaswant Kaur [née Olive Monalescu-van Tassel], married 2ndly, HH Maharani Dhelma Kaur, married 3rdly, Maharani Buriya, married 4thly, Maharani Gurcharan Kaur, and had issue. He died 31st March 1948 (#3)
    • Maharajkumar (name unknown) Singh (by Maharani Jaswant Kaur), born 12th September 1901, died March 1902.
    • Maharajkumari Dorothy Kaur (by Maharani Jaswant Kaur), married 1924, Sardar Gurcharan Singh of Lidhran, and had issue, four children. She died aged in her 80's.
      • Kanwar Karambir Singh
      • HH Maharani Prithvi Bir Kaur, married (as his first wife), HH Maharaja Rajbir Singh, and had issue (see below). She died 7th May 2010.
    • Maharajkumari Balbir Kaur (Princess Diamond), married Colonel Sardar Shamsher Singh, Rajvallabh, M.A. (Cantab.), Jagirdar of Misriote and Katarian.
    • HH Maharaja Rajbir Singh (qv)
    • Maharajkumari Brijinder Kaur [Sardarni Brijinder Kaur of Vahali], born 1918, married Air Commodore Sardar Ravindra Hari Darshan Singh of Vahali, and had issue.
      • Bibi Yadvindar Kumari, born 1938.
      • Sardar Ritendar Singh, born 1940.
    • Maharajkumari Rajbir Kaur (Princess Ruby), born 14th June 1920 at Rajbir Villa Palace, Bhimtal, married April 1945, Sardar Balbir Singh Grewal (I.C.S), and had issue. She died 11th April 2009 in New Delhi.
      • Sardar Rabindra Bir Singh Grewal, married Maharajkumari Rohini/Ganga Kaur, qdaughter of Col. HH Shri Maharaja Shri Brajendra Sawai Vrijendra Singh Bahadur Jang of Bharatpur, and his second wife, HH Maharani Videh Kaur, and has issue.
        • Kanwar Govind Singh Grewal
    • Maharajkumar Jagatbir Singh, born 23rd March 1925, married Mahrajkumari Hemlata Devi, daughter of HH Raja Bahadur Khem Savant Bhonsle V of Savantwadi, and his wife, HH Rani Lakshmi Devi. He died 30th March 1973, having had issue with one son :-
      • Raja Sri Rambir Singh, of Mauran. born 1950, was married to Rani Inderjit Kaur Sidhu. He died in 23rd June 1992, having had issue, two sons and a daughter :
        • Raja Sri Jagbir Singh Sidhu, of Mauran. born in 1979. He d. from jaundice at a private hospital in Chandigarh, 27th December 2018, having had issue, an only daughter :
          • Bibiji Jijinia [Zeenia] Bir Sidhu. born in 2002.
        • Kanwar Gajraj Sing Sidhu. He died in 2015, having had issue, a son :
          • Kanwar Gunveer Singh Sidhu. born in 2013.
    • Lieutenant-General Rajkumar Sri Jasbir Singh, PVSM (1982). born at Rajbir Vilas, Bhimtal, Nainital, UP, 20th August 1925 (s/o Deep Kumar), he was done there education from Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajputana, Prince of Wales’s RIMC, Dehradun, UP, Defence Services Staff Coll, Wellington, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, and National Defence Coll, New Delhi. Commde as 2nd-Lieut IA 12/12/1947, promote to Lieut 4th Gorkha Rifles 1948, served in Kashmir 1948, UN Repatriation Csmn Korea 1953-1954, UN Repatriation Csmn Congo 1961, cdt 191 Infantry Bde 1971, GOC 15th corps Jammu & Kashmir, Cdt National Defence Acad Khadakvasal 1977-1979, prom Lt-Gen 1979, Cdr Northern Sector 1979-1981, Mil Sec 1981-1983, retd 1984, Col Cdt the Jat Regt. Author “Handbook of Military Science and Armament Technology” (1983). Editor “Indian Defence Yearbook” (2002-2009). Mbr Wheelers Club (Meerut), Army Polo & Riding Club (New Delhi), etc. He was married to Rani Srimati Gita Devi (born 1926; died at Dehradun, November 2005), daughter of Raja Pratap Bikram Shah, of Khairigarh-Singahi, in the Kheri district of UP, by his wife, Srimati Rani Bhuwan Rajya Lakshmi Sahiba, had issues with, a son and two daughters:
      • Kanwar Brighubir Singh.
      • Bibiji Sanu Devi
      • Bibiji Ira Devi alias Bibiji Ira Singh
    • Maharajkumari Taranbir Kaur, born 1931, married D.F.C. Jagdish Chander Verma, died February 1993 in Agra, and has issue. (Dehradun, India)
      • Ajay Verma
      • Tina Verma (Mrs. Tina Vijay Chopra).
    • Maharajkumari Jagatbir Kaur (Princess Beryl), married 1stly (sep'd.), Maharajkumar Fateh Singh Tikari [Prince George] of Tikari, married 2ndly (her brother-in-law), Maharajkumar Sumair Singh Tikari [Prince Bobby Tikari], and had issue, four children. She died 11th February 2008 in Patna.
      • Maharajkumar Rajbir Singh Tikari (by 1st marriage)
      • Maharajkumar Ranbir Singh Tikari (by 1st marriage)
      • Maharajkumar Raghubir Singh Tikari (by 1st marriage), married and has issue.
        • Kunwar Varun Singh Tikari
      • Maharajkumari Shaila Singh Tikari (by 2nd marriage)
  • HH Maharaja Shri RAJBIR SINGH, 8th Maharaja of Jind 1948/- , born 25th September 1918, married 1stly, 25th January 1939, the only daughter of Sardar Umrao Singh of Manauli, married 2ndly (his cousin, see above), HH Maharani Prithvi Bir Kaur (see above), and had issue.
    • HH Maharaja Satbir Singh ["Prince Sunny"] (qv)
    • Maharajkumar Gajbir Singh ["Prince Billy"], born 1943, educated at the Doon School, Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, died sp 2nd August 2001.
    • Maharajkumar Ravindra Singh ["Prince Robin"], born 1947, educated at the Doon School, Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, married and had issue, three daughters. He died in 1986.
    • Maharaj kumar Sri Bharat Bir Singh [Scampy]. b. 1945 (s/o Prithvi Bir Kaur), done there education from the Doon school, Dehradun UP. Officially recognised as legitimate by the GOI and accorded the title of Maharajkumar (in lieu of Kumar) 16th September 1953. disciple of Sai Baba. He d.s.p. 1993.
    • Maharaj kumar Sri Amar Bir Singh [Chuckles] born 1953 (s/o Rani Prithvi Bir Kaur), educ. Yadavendra Public Sch, Patiala, East Punjab. Officially recognised as legitimate by the GOI and accorded the title of Maharajkumar (in lieu of Kumar) 16th September 1953. A disciple of Sai Baba. He d. unm.
      • Maharaj kumari Bibiji Rattan Bir Kaur Sahiba [Pearl]. born in 1943 Rattan Bir Kaur Sahiba [Pearl]. b. 1943 (d/o Prithvi Bir Kaur). Officially recognised as legitimate by the GOI and accorded the title of Maharajkumari (in lieu of Kumari) 16th September 1953. m. 19th March 1967, Kumar Rajbir Singh [Reggie], tea planter in Assam, son of Kumar Fateh Singh Tikari [George], by his wife, Maharajkumari Beryl Jagatbir Kaur [Kumarani Beryl Jagatbir Tekari], daughter of Brigadier H.H. Farzand-i-Dilband, Rasikh-ul-Itiqad-i-Daulat-i-Inglishia, Raja-i-Rajgan, Maharaja Sir Ranbir Singh Rajendra Bahadur, Maharaja of Jind, GCSI, GCIE. She had issue.
  • HH Maharaja Shri SATBIR SINGH, 9th Maharaja of Jind, was born on 6th July 1940,at Qila Mubark , Sangrur, Jind State, He was done there eduction from Welham Preparatory school, and the Doon school, Dehradun UP, privately and the Univ of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, USA.,and on 7th September 1959 (formally recognised by the president of India 12th October 1959). Ascended the Gadi at Qila Mubarak, Sangrur, 8th September 1959. Reigned under the guardianship of Sardar Balbir Singh Grewal, until he came of age 6th July 1961 and assumed control of his own affairs. Jind became a constituent entity of the new state of Haryana, 1st November 1966.He was Rally driver and car racing enthusiast 1982-1990. CEO The Royal Angler. Dir GL Hotels Limited , J M A Industries Limited, Rajbir Industrial Farms (Pvt) Ltd 1964-1972, Lakshya Food (India) Limited (LFIL) 2015-2021, Lakshya Health Food Pvt Limited 2021-2023.he was done there first marriage at Sangrur, 26th February 1964 (divorce 1971) Lynette Gay Cecile Bugg, styled H.H Maharani Inder Bir Kaur Sahiba during her marriage 1964-1971, second marriage 1978 (div.), Gita Dheer, styled H.H Maharani Gita Kaur Sahiba during her marriage, nee Geeta Sikand, of New Delhi. Maharaja Satbir Singh Of Jind died from cancer, at Palam Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana, 18th August 2023 (crem. Choma Crematorial Ground, Gurugram), had issues with two sons from Maharani Inderbir Kaur Sahiba.
    • Luke Nicholas , was born in 1965 And He was Police Officer South Australia 2008-2012,later he become Manager in Paladin Tactical Training 2011-2017.
    • Dominic Michael , was 1967 ,He lives at Australia , he was CFO Lucas Total Contract Solutions 2011-2019, then he was CEO Lucas Total Contract Solutions 2019-2022, Chief Financial & Commercial Officer Exact Contracting since 2022. Resides in Cumberland Park SA 5041. married at Adelaide, South Australia, 6th February 2010, Emma.
References :-
  • The Golden Book of India"; LETHBRIDGE, Roper, MacMillan & Co., 1893 , p.215
  • "Burke's Peerage,Baronetage and Knightage" ; 1939 ; p.2818
  • "Who Was Who 1941-1950" ; Volume IV ; London 1952 ; Adam & Charles Black ; p.605



Wing Commander Rajkumar Gajinder Bir Singh Of Jind

Wing Commander Rajkumar Gajinder Bir Singh Of Jind, was born into Sidhu Jat family, at Mahal Mubarak, Sangrur, 19th January 1927, he was the son of H.H Maharaja Sir Ranbir Singh, Maharaja Of Jind, he…

Lieutenant-General Rajkumar Jasbir Singh Of Jind

Lieutenant-General Rajkumar Jasbir Singh Of Jind, PVSM (1982), was born at Rajbir Vilas, Bhimtal, Nainital, UP, 20th August 1925 , he was the son of Maharaja Sir Ranbir Singh Of Jind , he was done…

Sardar Karam Singh of Bazidpur

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