Coat Of Arms





Bhadhaur / Bhadour

Hindi Name


Villages Under

96 (Till 1947)


Rs 94,724 (1857)


Patiala State(from 1857)

Time Period

1680s to 1947

1680 – 1857 (Independent State)

1857 – 1947 (Jagirdar under Patiala State)


For early history see Sidhu Dynasty

The Bhadhaur jagirdars like the ruler of Patiala, Jind and Nabha belong to the Phulkia branch of Brar sept of Sidhu clan. They all claim descent from Chaudhary Phul Chand who settled Phul(a place on his name) in 1627. He left 7 sons, the second, Ram Singh is the common ancestor of Patiala, Malod and Bhaudhar family. Ram Singh was appointed by the Mughals as the Chaudhary of Sangrur, Bhadaur and several other districts. His eldest son Duna Singh,the founder of the Bhadaur family, lived at Bhadaur with his brother Ala Singh, Until the latter left for Barnala in 1718, when Bhadaur came into his sole possession. He was a man of peace, and, not being a Sikh, he did not join his kinsmen in rebellion against the Mughal Empire, by which he had been entrusted with authority, as Chaudhry over Sangrur, Bhadaur and other districts, which his father Ch.Ram Singh had enjoyed.

In 1725, the Governor of Lahore demanded the customary payment and Duna left for the capital, his brothers promising to sent their quota after him. This they failed to do, and Duna, and his son Dau, were thrown into prison, in which the latter died. The intercession of a friend, Shaikh Alayas of Khawaspur, obtained the release of Duna, but the hardships of his imprisonment destroyed his health, and, returning to Bhadour, he died there in the year 1726. He left four sons, of whom Ch.Bigha succeeded him; the youngest, Suma Singh, being the ancestor of the Rampuria Sardars.

Regarding Ch.Bigha little of importance is recorded. He, like his father, fell into difficulties about the revenue, and Bigha was imprisoned till he contrived to pay the amount of his arrears, In the mean time, Gurdas Singh his eldest son had died, and his mother, distracted with grief poisoned herself. These melancholy events had so much effect upon Bigha, that he resolved to resign his office of Chaudhry and become a recluse ; but the Phulkia Chiefs induced him to abandon this design, and he married a second wife who bore him Chuhar Singh and Mohr Singh. His third wife, was the widow of his brother Sukhu Singh. She became the mother of Dal Singh, from whom the Sirdars of Kot Duna, a village founded by Chaudhri Duna, have descended. Bigha was succeeded by his eldest son Chuhr Singh, in 1773. This Chief was the most famous of all the Bhadourstock, and his prowess and energy added much to his ancestral possessions, and the fame of “Chuhr Singh ke Bar” ; his victories over the Muslim Bhatis, and his charity to the poor, are still sung, in many ballads, by the village bards. He was the acknowledged arbiter in all disputes ; the people preferred their complaints before him, and he punished offenders severely.

In the year 1799, Chuhar Singh was appointed Chaudhri and collector of revenue in the Pihora and Bhadaur districts, by Timur Shah, who, in that year, had invaded India, desiring to recover some of the authority possessed by his father Ahmad Shah. After the death of Raja Amar Singh of Patiala and the succession of the weak-minded Sahib Singh, the Bhadour Chief began to extend his possessions at the expense of the Pattiala State. He seized ninety villages in the neighbourhood of Bhadour, many of which he subsequently lost; attacked the Maler Kotla Afghans, whose villages were redeemed by Pattiala giving certain others in exchange, and even gained for a time possession of the district of Barnala. But in the midst of his successes, treachery put an end to his life. Sirdar Chuhar Singh and his brother murdered in 1793 AD – On his road home from Barnala he remained to rest at the village of Ghanne, and was invited by a Burar of the name of Sujjan to sleep in a small burj or tower for the night. Chuhr Singh, who was accompanied by his brother Dal Singh, suspected nothing; but their deceitful host, having drugged their liquor and seeing them in a deep sleep, surrounded the tower with armed men, and, piling brushwood against the walls and doors, set it on fire. Awoke by the heat and noise and finding all exit barred, the two brothers mounted to the roof, from which they shot arrows at their enemies till the roof fell in and both perished in the flames. This happened in 1793.

The news of their father’s murder had no sooner reached his two sons, Bir Singh and Dip Singh, than they determined to avenge it. They set out in search of Sujjan, and surprised him hawking, riding the horse of the murdered Chief. They killed him and seized Ghannewith the ten neighbouring villages forming the Ilaka of Malukha. Pattiala troops joined in this expedition under the command of Albel Singh and Bakshi Seda. Bir Singh, the elder son of Chuhr Singh, succeeded to the estate, but in 1813, after the Cis-Satlej States had been taken under British protection, the two brothers divided it equally between them.

On the demarcation of boundaries in 1809, Maharaja Ranjit Singh retained two Bhadour villages, Saidokiand Bhagta. The British Government did not insist on their surrender, but paid to Bhadaur Rs. 2000 per annum, as an equivalent, which sum was paid direct to the descendants of Bir Singh and Dip Singh, from 1813 to 1840, when Pattiala, with the design of supporting her unjust claim of supremacy over Bhadour, contrived to obtain its payment through her vakils.The death of Bir Singh and Dip Singh in 1822 AD – Dip Singh accompanied Raja Bhag Singh of Jhind on his visit to Lahore in 1805, and returned with him the next year, when Ranjit Singh made his expedition against Pattiala ; but refused to join against the head of the Phulkia house, and left the camp of Ranjit Singh at Jagraon. This Sirdar died in 1822, and his brother the following year.

After the Cis-Satlej States came under British protection, the history of Bhadaur is contained in that of Pattiala, and although its Chiefs asserted vigorously their independence, yet they admitted Pattiala to be their head and had no policy distinct from hers. There is, therefore, little further of interest to record. Kharak Singh, the son of Dip Singh, succeeded to his father’s share of the estate, and, although a man of considerable character and ability, was more devoted to religion than administration, and built and endowed many temples and charitable institutions. At the time of the Satlej campaign he gave assistance to the British with a contingent, and furnished supplies to the army. After the Campaign, when the whole question of the relations of Government to the States and their relations to each other was discussed and settled, the connection of Patiala and Bhadaur could not but come under review, and since the question was disputed with especial warmth and earnestness, it is necessary to explain the circumstances of the case with some detail.

The supremacy over Bhadaur granted as a reward to Maharajaa Patiala for service in 1857.The supremacy for which the Maharaja of Patiala had struggled with so much pertinacity, but which he was unable to establish as a right, was granted as an act of grace and as a reward for loyal service to the British Government in the year 1858. All the rights of the paramount power were yielded to Pattiala : the jurisdiction over Bhadour, the right of escheats ; the reversion of lapsed estates ; and the annual commutation tax, amounting to RS. 5,265. Attar Singh, who succeeded his father Kharak Singh in 1858, is the present head of Bhadour family, and was born in the year 1833. He was educated at Benares, and there acquired a taste for learning. He had a good library at Bhadaur, stocked with valuable MSS., Sanskrit, Gurmukhi and Persian, and has founded a School, in which these languages are taught free of all charge, the very poor being fed as well as taught. Besides encouraging learning, Attar Singh is himself a good scholar and composes in a graceful style. In 1870 he was appointed one of the Senate of the Punjab University College. The family ruled Bhadaur as vassals of the Kingdom of Patiala till 1947.


  • Chaudhary RAM SINGH, Chaudhary of Bhadhaur, Chaudhary of Bhadhaur, he was the second son of Chaudhary Phul Singh Of Mehraj Estate , was married to Chaudhurani Sabi Kaur, daughter of Chaudhary Nanu Singh Bhutta, of Ghunas,Was kill at Gumati, by the sons of Chaudhary Chain Singh, at Malerkotla, 1714, He was also share comman ancestors with Patiala, Malodh etc .
  • Chaudhary DUNA SINGH, Chaudhary of Bhadaur, Sangrur etc. 1718/1729, married and had issue. He died 1726/1729.
    • Chaudhary Bigha Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Dao Singh, died 1723.
    • Sardar Sangu Singh, died 1744.
    • Sardar Sukhu Singh, died 1765 and his widow married his brother Chaudhary Bigha (qv).
    • Sardar Suma Singh, married three wives, and had issue, five sons. He died 1772.
      • Sardar Jassa Singh, he died sp.
      • Sardar Massa Singh, with his younger brothers, he was ancestor of the Sardar Sahibs of Rampur and Kotlakoura.
      • Sardar Tek Singh
      • Sardar Charat Singh
      • Sardar Budh Singh
  • Chaudhary BIGHA SINGH, Chaudhary of Bhadaur 1729/1773, married 1stly, married 2ndly, married 3rdly, 1765, the widow of his brother Sardar Sukhu, and had issue. He died 1773.
    • Kanwar Gurdas Singh (by 1st wife), born 1742, died 1748.
    • Chaudhary Chuhar Singh (by 2nd wife)(qv)
    • Sardar Mohar Singh (by 2nd wife), married and had issue. He died 1826.
      • Sardar Amrik Singh, married and had issue. He died 1826.
        • Sardar Dewa Singh, born 1803, married and had issue. He died 1857.
          • Sardar Narain Singh, born 1852, married Sardarni Basant Kaur, and had issue. He died 1872.
            • Sardar Balwant Singh, born 1872.
      • Sardar Samand Singh, married and had issue. He died 1836.
        • Sardar Achhal Singh, born 1832, married Sardarni Kishan Kaur. He died sp in 1879.
      • Sardar Sujan Singh, married and had issue. He died 1828.
        • Sardar Uttam Singh, married and had issue. He died 1855.
          • Sardar Attar Singh, born 1837, married Sardarni Shivkaran Kaur. He died sp in 1879.
    • Sardar Dal Singh (by 3rd wife), he was granted the jagir of Kot Duna, married and had issue. He died 1793.(see Kot Duna)
  • Chaudhary CHUHAR SINGH, Chaudhary of Bhadaur 1773/1793, he fought alongside the Sikh forces and forced Amar Singh Thapa to retreat back to Nepal; married and had issue. He died 1793.
    • Sardar Dip Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Bir Singh, married and had issue. He died 1823.
      • Sardar Jawahar Singh, married and had issue. He died 1827.
        • Maharani Attar Kaur, married Maharaja Nau Nihal of Lahore. She died 1840.
      • Sardar Jaimal Singh, married and had issue. He died 1808.
        • Sardar Khazan Singh C.S.S., born 1805, married the elder daughter of Sardar Dhanna Singh of Malwai, and had issue. He died 1831.
          • Sardar Mahan Singh, born 1826, married and had issue. He died 1858.
            • Sardar Ishar Singh, born 1848, died 1866.
      • Sardar Nidhan Singh, born 1806, married and had issue. He died 1838.
        • Sardar Kehar Singh, born 1835, married and had issue.
          • Sardar Pratap Singh, born 1853, married and had issue.
            • Zorawar Singh, was born in 1903, was married had issue with two sons, He was died 1966 -
              • Surendra Singh, b.1922, was married had issue with one son :-
                • Partap Singh
              • Surjit Singh Phoolka, b.1926, was married had issues with two sons :-
                • Ajit Mohinder Singh (b.1950), was married had issues with three children's :-
                  • Bibiji Harleen Kaur Sidhu (b.1976)
                  • Bibiji Gina Kaur (b.1978)
                  • Joy Sidhu (b.1994)
                • Amardeep Inder Singh, was born in 1958, was married had issue with one son :-
                  • Preet Mohinder Singh (b.1994)
            • Sardar Nanak Singh was born, was married, had issues with two sons and daughter, he was died in 1983 :-
              • Karam Narain Singh , was born in 1926, was married , had issues with two sons and two daughters :-
                • Bibiji Gurmeet Kaur Sahiba, born 1974, was married to Sardar Gurbir Singh
                • Onkar Narain Singh Phoolka, was born in 1936, was married had issues with two sons and daughter, was died in 2019 -
                  • Bibiji Parneet Kaur Sahiba , married to Sardar Zorawar Singh
                  • Harpeet Singh Phoolka, born 1964, was married had issue with one son :-
                    • Sumeer Singh Phoolka (b.2010)
                  • Manpreet Singh Phoolka, born 1968, was married had issue with one son and daughter :-
                    • Bibiji Ismat Kaur (b.1991)
                    • Gurfateh Singh Phoolka (b.1994)
                • Bibiji Baljit Kaur (b.1932)
                • Tej Narain Kaur (b.1934)
              • Bibiji Narinder Kaur Sahiba
              • Gurdev Singh
          • Sardar Auttar Singh, born 1863, married and had issue, two sons.
            • Sardar Madho Singh
            • Sardar Natha Singh
      • Sardar Jagat Singh, married and had issue. He died 1865.
        • Sardar Gulab Singh, died 1850.
        • Sardar Basawa Singh, died 1845.
        • Sardar Khem Singh, died 1846.
        • Sardar Narain Singh, died 1865.
        • Sardar Ajaipal Singh, born 1858, married and had issue. He died 1897.
          • Sardar Shamsher Singh, married and had issue.
            • Sardar Kirpal Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
              • Harjang Singh, was married had issues with four Children's :-
                • Bibiji Surinder Kaur
                • Manjeetinder Singh
                • Bibiji Manjeet inder Kaur
                • Kuldeep Inder Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
                  • Harpreetinder Singh Phoolka, was married had issue with one son :-
                    • Avirajinder Singh Phoolka
            • Sardar Kariar Singh
  • Sardar DIP SINGH, Sardar of Bhadaur 1793/1822, married and had issue. He died 1822.
    • Sardar Kharak Singh (qv)
  • Sardar KHARAK SINGH, Sardar of Bhadaur 1822/1858, married and had issue. He died 1858.
    • Mahamahopadhyaya, Maulana ul Fuzma Sardar Sir Attar Singh (qv)
  • Mahamahopadhyaya, Maulana ul Fuzma Sardar Sir ATTAR SINGH, Rais-i- Azam of Bhadaur 1858/1896, born 1833, educated at Benaras University; he was rewarded with the title of Maulana ul Fuzma for his Arabic-Persian learning, he set up a library which he transferred to Ludhiana, when he moved there in 1878, and which after his death, was transferred to the Panjab Public Library at Lahore; elected a member of Anjumani Punjab in 1869 and Vice-President in 1880, also elected a member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1869; appointed a member of the senate of the Panjab University College, Lahore, in 1870; member of the Bengal Philharmonical Society and also served on the Committee of Management of the Aitchison Chiefs' College, Lahore; in recognition of his literary and political services he was awarded by the British with the title of Fazil ul Fuzala in 1877, C.I.E. in 1880 and K.C.I.E. in 1888, and he was rewarded with the title of Mahamahopadhyaya in 1887 for his eminent services in the promotion of Oriental learning, he was admitted to Knighthood in 1888, founder president of Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Ludhiana, established in 1884, he also took a leading part in the establishment of the Khalsa Diwan at Lahore of which he became patron-in-chief; in 1886 he had been nominated a member of the General Committee of the Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) at Amritsar; in 1890, he was made vice president and trustee of the Khalsa College Establishment Committee and later vice president of the Khalsa College Council; married and had issue. He died 10th June 1896 in Ludhiana.
    • Sardar Bhagwant Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Balwant Singh, born 1855, he inherited about half of his father's estate; married and had issue, two sons and one daughter. He died 1902 when his sons inherited his estate equally.
      • Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur Sahiba, married [?Sardar Atma Singh, Head of the Jagiri Family of Mananwala]
      • Sardar Gurdial Singh, born 1899, married and had issue, two sons.
      • Sardar Nirpal Singh, born 1901.
  • Sardar BHAGWANT SINGH, Rais-i-Azam of Bhadaur 1896/1924, born 1852, married and had issue, three daughters and one son. He died 1924.
    • Raja Harchand Singh Sidhu (qv)
    • Rajkumari Bibiji Rajbans Kaur, married Rao Sahib Giriraj Singh of Kutchesar, Bulandshahar, Hapur, U.P. (see Kuchesar)
    • Rajkumari Bibiji Prasan Kaur [Sardarni Lady Prasan Kaur Majithia], married, Sardar Sir Sundar Singh Majithia (see Majithia family).
    • Rajkumari Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, married Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh of Hathras.
  • Raja HARCHAND SINGH, Rais-i-Azam of Bhadaur 1924/1934, born 1887, married 1stly, Rani Bakhtawar Kaur [Dalip Kaur], daughter of Harnam Singh Wala, Rampura Phul Dist., Bathinda, issue, one daughter and one son, married 2ndly, Rani Jagdish Kaur, died 1959, daughter of Mal Singh Wala, Dist. Bathinda, had issue, one daughter and one son. He died 1934.
    • Maj. Raja Ram Partap Singh Sidhu (by Rani Bakhtawar Kaur) (qv)
    • Rajkumari Ajmer Kaur (Rani Bakhtawar Kaur), born 1929, married Kunwar Sarjit Singh of Kuchesar, and had issue, two sons and one daughter. She died 1998.
      • Kunwar Digjit Singh
      • Kunwar Ajit Singh
      • Kumari Rosie Singh, she married Shri Kittu Khanna of Wah.
    • Rajkumari Birinder Kaur (by Rani Jagdish Kaur), married the Late Air Commodore Jaspal Singh, and has issue, a daughter.
      • Bibjii Trepan Kaur, married Sardar Harisimran Singh Sandhu
    • Rajkumar Simran Singh (by Rani Jagdish Kaur), born 14th October 1933, married Rajkumarani Kultaran Kaur, and has issue two sons.
      • Kanwar Kanwalinder Singh, born October 1965, died 19th January 1988.
      • Kanwar Amritinder Singh, born 20th February 1972, married Kanwarani Shona Manco, and has issue, two daughters.
        • Hartaran Kaur Sidhu, born 21st June 2007.
        • Japjyot Kaur Sidhu, born 4th January 2009.
  • Maj. Raja RAM PARTAP SINGH, Rais-i-Azam of Bhadaur 1934/1997, born 6th October 1921, educated at Aitchison Chiefs' College, Lahore; Commandant Major Yadvinder Guards, Patiala State; HH Maharaja Yadvinder Singh of Patiala's Bodyguard; he served in PEPSU and was chairman of the board of governors of Yadvindra Public School for 20 years; married Bibiji Surinder Kaur [Rani Surinder Ram Partap Singh Sidhu of Bhadaur], born 13th May 1924, died 21st May 1984, daughter of General Sardar Bahadur Sir Gurnam Singh of Jind State (and younger sister of Maharani Bhaktavar Kaur Sahiba of Patiala), and had issue. He died 14th October 1997.
    • Rajkumari Kiran Sidhu, born 16th April 1944, married Lt.-Col. Sardar Narjinder Singh, late of Skinners Horse, son of Major Sardar Joginder Singh of Manimajra, he was appointed guardian to (then) Yuvraj Yadvinder Singh of Patiala by HH Maharaja Bhupinder Singh and was commandant of the Rajindra Lancers in the Patiala State Forces and was the Sardar of Manimajra Jagir in Amballa district, he served as A.D.C. to HH Maharjadhiraj Bhupindar Singh of Patiala; and has issue, two sons.
      • Dr. Kanwar Govind Singh married Kanwarani Amardeep Kaur, daughter of Sardar Gurpreet Singh Jallewalia of Ahlawalpur Jagir in West Punjab.
      • Dr. Kanwar Gopal Singh, married Dr. Kanwarani Samrina Kaur, grandaughter of Sardar Jasbir Singh Veglia of Wacchoya Jagir in West Punjab.
    • Tikka Ajaypartap Singh Sidhu, succeeded as Raja Ajaypartap Singh Sidhu of Bhadaur (qv)
    • Rajkumar Udaypartap Singh Sidhu, born 3rd August 1950, married Rajkumarani Sonia Singh, daughter of Brigadier W. S. Choudhry of Karnal, and has issue, two children.
      • Kumari Mehar Sidhu
      • Kanwar Amanpartap Singh
  • Raja AJAYPARTAP SINGH SIDHU Raja of Bhadaur since 1997. born 23rd September 1947, married Rani Gurmit Kaur, daughter of Lt.-Colonel N. S. Kang of Kotla Shamaspur, Tehsil Samrala, Ludhiana, and has issue two children.
    • Rajkumar Prithvi Partap Singh Sidhu, born 14th November 1973, married Kumari Shweta Singh, and has issue, two sons and one daughter.
      • Kumari Rohini Singh, born 5th September 2004.
      • Kunwar Veer Partap Singh Sidhu, born 17th September 2008.
      • Kunwar Jai Partap Singh Sidhu, born 21st April 2012.
  • Rajkumari Pavitra Sidhu, married 2004, Shri Udaiveer Singh Mathoda.


Sardar Nanak Singh Phoolka Of Bhadaur

Sardar Nanak Singh Phoolka Of Bhadaur, was born in 1886 was the son of Sidhu Jatchief Sardar Partap Singh.At an early age he displayed signs of wisdom and maturity. At the age of 13, he…

Chaudhary Bigha Singh Of Bhadaur

Chaudhary Bigha Singh Of Bhadaur was born into a Sidhu Jat family , he was the son of Chaudhay Duna Singh Of Bhadaur , like his father, fell into difficulties about the revenue, and when…

Raja Ajay Partap Singh Of Bhadaur

Raja Ajay Partap Singh Of Bhadaur, He was born in 1947, he Patiala. He was educated at YPS, Patiala, Welham Preparatory School and he Doon School, Dehradun. He finally graduated in commerce from Punjab University,…

Raja Ram Partap Singh Of Bhadaur

Raja Ram Partap Singh Of Bhadaur,  was born to Sardar Harchand Singh and Rani Bakhtawar Kaur in 1923. He was born at the ancestral Fort of ‘Bhadaur House’, Ludhiana and delivered by reputable Dr. Brown,…


The Bhadaur Fort- Bhadaur

Bhadaur Fort at Bhadaur town near Barnala is more than 300 years old and belongs to the Bhadaur Chieftain Sardars of Bhadaur. Bhadaur was the only princely town where the royal family held eight residential…

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