Chaudhary Bigha Singh Of Bhadaur was born into a Sidhu Jat family , he was the son of Chaudhay Duna Singh Of Bhadaur , like his father, fell into difficulties about the revenue, and when the Imperial officers arrived to arrest him, he generously proposed to give his eldest son, Gurdas Singh, in his stead. To this the mother of the boy would not consent, and carried him away with her to her father’s home; and Bigha was imprisoned till he contrived to pay the amount of his arrears. In the mean time, Gurdas Singh had died, and his mother, distracted with grief poisoned herself. These melancholy events had so much effect upon Bigha Singh , that he resolved to resign his office of Chaudhri and become a recluse; but the Phulkian Chiefs induced him to abandon this design, and he married a second wife who. bore him Chuhr Singh and Mohr Singh. His third wife, was the widow of his brother Sukhu Singh. She became the mother of Dal Singh, from whom the Sirdars of Kot Duna, & village founded by Chaudhri Duna Singh, have descended. Bigha Singh was succeeded by his eldest son, Chuhar Singh, in 1773.