Kunwar Jagjot Singh Of Pipri (born 1843) was the only son of Shahzada Peshaura Singh, Direct descendants of Bhatti Jatsikh ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore and not much is known about his early life except that the British Government provided him with a handsome Jagir in Pipri and Chahlari, District Bahraich in Uttar Pradesh. On attaining his majority, he distinguished himself as a leading character in the province and was known for his liberal views. During the great Bengal famine of 1874, he donated his entire income from his private properties and assigned estates to the people, much to the relief of the sufferers in the region. He later became a staunch ally of the British Government and on several occasions proved his loyalty, notably during the Third Anglo-Afghan War of 1919

Later, he led a life of a recluse, and rarely visited his ancestral lands in Punjab. Yet, his name was widely known and respected throughout Bahraich District and along with his mother, he received a pension from the government. The year of his death is unknown, but it seems he passed away in the late 1920’s.

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