Sardar Harnam Singh Of Chak Sherewala, was born into a Brar Jat family,He was grandson of Sardar Sher Singh, founder of the Chak Sherewala Estate. He was one of the biggest landowners of Muktesar Tahsil and owning about 2,300 Ghumaon of land, Also He was appointed Zaildar in 1910 for having rendered conspicuous services to the Government. During the War he set an excellent example by enlisting 45 recruits and subscribing to the second War Loan the biggest amount subscribed by any one in the Tahsil. He also subscribed handsomely to the first War Loan and to the various War Funds.
In recognition of his War services he was awarded a Sanad by the Commander-in-Chief and a silver watch by the Lieutenant-Governor. He was also granted a War Loan Sanad by the President, Punjab Provincial War Loan Committee, and various prize. and Sanads from Various officers. He Was also elected a life member of tbe St. John Ambulance Association. His eldest Sardar Kartar Singh Brar was done B.A, and L.L.B is practising as a Vakil at Ferozepore.During the War he worked asa Secretary of the Sikh Recruiting Committee and also the Sit Emigrants Vigilance Committee, Ferozepore District. In recognition of his services he was granted to Sanads by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and his name was published in the Gazette of India: He was also granted a War Badge asa souvenir and a mark of appreciation.