Sardar Kahn Singh of Jodhpur, was born into Jodhpur village of Lahore district, he was the bravest and the keenest of the Sikh Jatchiefs who fought against the English during the campaign of 1848-49; after annexation he lost the jagirs which he had received for excellent services rendered at the head of his Dragoon regiment under the Sikh Government, but received a cash pension of Rs. 600 per annum. When the mutiny of 1857 broke out Kahn Singh of Jodhpur was one of the first chiefs selected by the Chief Commissioner for service before Delhi. le was in bad health, but nevertheless went and rendered noble service to the English, fighting for them until he was badly wounded, and them engaged in procuring information and winning over his countrymen to the side of the English. In return for these services the Government gave him considerable Jagir grants. He died in June 1864, His Estate successor was his son Sardar Bhola Singh.
- Punjab District Gazetteers Vol.30 A Lahore District