Saundha Singh Jat of Narowal in Sialkot district captured Khanna in Ludhiana district worth Rs. 30,000 a year. He commanded 225 horse and 75 foot. He fought many wars against the Mughals, he expanded his territory. And many wars were fought against the Afghan rulers and in each war they won. His son Daya Singh was also a skilled ruler like his father. And like his father, he also expanded his kingdom. Daya Singh died without a male issue. His estate was taken possession by Daya Kaur, daughter of Saundha Singh and widow of Hari Singh son of Mehar Singh and nephew of Maharaja Bhag Singh of Jind. At her death it lapsed to the Jind State.

References :-

  • History of Sikhs -Vol. IV ,The Sikh Commonwealth or Rise and Fall of Sikh Misls By Hari ram gupta.
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