Jehlam town stood on the right bank of river Jehlam. There was. no bridge over the river. A number of boats were kept on both side* to carry passengers across it. Its right bank was…

Jehlam town stood on the right bank of river Jehlam. There was. no bridge over the river. A number of boats were kept on both side* to carry passengers across it. Its right bank was…
The fort of Kangra was surrounded on three sides by steep and high precipices. It was a grand edifice of stone. The hill on which the fort stood was nearly 5 kms in circuit. With…
In the first expedition the people of Jammu alone had been sacked. The Raja’s palaces and treasury had remained untouched, for the simple reason that the loot acquired from them was enormous. Now was the…
For his ambitious plan to consolidate himself in the possession of north-west Panjab by expelling the Bhangis and by subduing the independent and refractory Muslim chiefs, Mahan Singh needed money. It was not available anywhere…
Dost Muhammad led a large army towards Peshawar. He gave the slogan of a crusade against the Sikhs and also sought the help of the chiefs of Kunduz, Qandhar, Derajat, Bahawalpur, etc., but received cold…