Rani Saman Kaur of Lahore, was the daughter of Suba Singh, a Jat of Malwa, in the Cis-Sutlej States. His father was famous Zamindar, when she was young she was married to Bhatti Jat ruler…
Rani Desa Kaur of Lahore, was born into Sandhu Jat family, she was the daughter of Sirdar Mohar Singh of Nakai. She was married in 1819 to Maharaja Sher Singh of Lahore, and died two…
Rani Bhadauran of Lahore, was the daughter of Sidhu Jatchief of Bhadaur State, Cis-Sutlej States. When she was young she was married to Maharaja Nau Nihal Singh of Lahore, when Maharaja of Lahore was died,…
Rani Nanaki Of Lahore (d. 1856), daughter of Sidhu Jat Jagirdar General Sardar Sham Singh Of Attariwala, was married in March 1837 to Bhatti Jat ruler Prince NauNihal Singh, son of Maharaja Kharak Singh Of…
Shahzada Shahdeo Singh Bahadur, of Pundrik-Ganeshpur. Also know as Kanwar Shahdev Singhwas born into Bhatti Jat family, he was direct descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore along with his mother, later accompanied by his…