Among the descendants of Chaudhari Phul Singh Of Mehraj, the founder of the Jind family was Chaudhari Sukhchain Singh. He began as a zamindar, like Patiala and Nabha. They were all malguzärs and tributary to the Mughal government. Sukhchain Singh acquired fairly large tract of land for himself. He divided his territory into four parts. He kept Jind for himself. Bälänwali was given to his eldest son Alam Singh. Badru khan was assigned to his second son Gajpat Singh who was destined to be the builder of Jind State. The youngest son Bulaki Singh got Dialpur. Sukh chain Singh as a big landlord paid land revenue directly into the government treasury at Delhi, because of all the Phulkian states, Jind was nearest to Delhi, 128 kms distant. He fell into arrears. Inspite of repeated reminders he failed to make payment of the royal dues To 1743 a force was sent to Jind to realize the amount. Sukhchain Singh managed to escape. Chaudhri Gurdit Singh Of Nabha instigated the Mughal officers to take strict action against him. His wife Chaudhran Agan Kunwar with her five year old son Gajpat Singh was taken to Delhi and was imprisoned. Ägan’s maid servant, a Muslim Mirasan, disguised herself in the clothes of her mistress, and Ägan in Mirasan’s clothes with her son escaped to Jind. Sukhchain Singh died in 1758.

References :-

  • History of Sikhs -Vol. IV ,The Sikh Commonwealth or Rise and Fall of Sikh Misls By Hari ram gupta
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