Once Rai Fatta Grewal of Gujjarwal and Rai Malla Grewal defeated Rajputs of Jarhohan, there used to be frequent fight between the Grewals and Rajputs of Jarhohan. Choudhary Ramsi was a Grewal and had helped Rai Fatta Grewal and Rai Malla Grewal in his win over Jarhohan Rajputs. legend about Ramsi is described as follows. “One day Ramsi was sleeping on his Some Rajputs from Jarhonhan village came and murdered Choudhary Ramsi His head was separated from his body. Choudhary Ramsi ran after the murderers with his headless body. The attackers saw the headless body following them and in fear they ran away. The headless body fell at a distance of one kos towards east of the village and became still thereafter”. Where Ramsi was beheaded, a monument is constructed in Mohalla Zaildaran.

References :-

  • Eminent Grewals – Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal
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