General Bukshi Ganda Singh, CSI, Of Gurbaxpura, was born into a Dhaliwal Jat family, He was Jagirdar and Commander and chief of the Patiala State, His services during the Afganistan War drew forth much praise from the British Generals and from Lord Roberts in Particular.Her Magisty the Queen and Express decorated him with the Compassionship of the Star of India, and her Government in dispatches and other official records, expressed their deep sense of acknowledgement to the Patiala State. The efficiency to which he has brought the new Imperial service troops of Patiala has again this year attracted the notice of the Government Of India;and in recognition of these, on her Majesty’s birthday the rank of “Sardar Bahadur” was specially conferred on him in the Birthday Honour Gazatte. As a horsemen and sportsmen , General Bukshi Ganda Singh is only excelled by His Highness the Maharajah, whose postmit appears on the opposite page. He was remembered with great respect even after his death.