GULAB SINGH OF PAHWINDIA (d. 1854), a general in the Lahore army, was the son of Sandhu Jat Chief Sardar Karam Of Pahwindia, who along with his three brothers had taken possession of the country between the rivers Satluj and Beas in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Karam Singh’s brothers dying heirless, the Estate passed on to his son Gulab Singh. When in 1806 Maharaja Ranjit Singh took possession of the Doab, Gulab Singh entered his service as an adjutant, soon becoming commandant. After the capture of Multan in 1818, he was promoted colonel and in this rank he took part in various actions that took place against the Afghans in the Peshawar valley.
In 1826, he was given command of 3 infantry and 2 cavalry regiments with a troop of artillery. In 1839, he was promoted to the rank of general and in 1847 appointed governor of Peshawar. During the second Anglo Sikh war, General Gulab Singh and his son. Colonel Ala Singh, were kept under restraint by the Sikh troops for their sympathy with the British. After the annexation of the Punjab, the British rewarded him confirming him in his Jagirs worth 17,500 rupees. General Gulab Singh died in 1854.
References :-
- Suri, SohanLal, `Umddt-ut-Twdnkh. Lahore, 1885-89
- Chupia, B.R., Kingdom of the. Punjab. Hosliiarpur,1969