Coat Of Arms






Attari / Attariwala

Hindi Name


Time Period

Early 16th century-1947


The Jagirdars of Attari also known as ‘Attariwala‘ family belong to Harike(descendant of Rao Hari Sidhu) branch of Sidhu Jats.One Chaudhary Dhira Singh in the lineage of Rao Hari Sidhu settled at Mehraj Phul in Patiala around 1580.In 1735 the two sons of Chaudhary Kahan Chand of Mehraj Phul settled in Manjha region. Elder son of Chaudhary Kahan Chand,Sardar Gauhar Singh is known to have settled Attari. He and his brother Sardar Kaur Singh took Pahal(Sikh Baptism) some time after 1735 and both entered the service of Sardar Gurbaksh Singh of Ronranwala(Sandhu Jat) a Bhangi Misl(Confedracy state led by Dhillon Jats) Sardar.Later on he served Sardar Gujar Singh and Sardar Lehna Singh(both Bhangi Sardars) and in 1749 he was granted a Jagir worth Rs.18,600 by Gujar Singh.After the Death of the brothers Gauhar Singh and Kaur Singh.The family split into two branch The Senior Branch of Gauhar Singh descendant and the Junior Branch of Kaur Singh descendant.The Senior Branch remained the Jagirdars of Attari while the Junior Branch received ilihaqs of Miani, jagir of Tehnas and Awan (they later rose to the title ‘Raja’ during Sarkar I Khasla).Though both branches stayed at Attari, Sham Singh’s father Sardar Nihal Singh was so loyal to his master Maharaja Ranjit Singh that according to local legend when the Maharaja fell seriously ill at a place called Wanieke, Nihal Singh went around his bed seven times praying to God Almighty to pass his master’s illness to him. It is said that from that day Ranjit Singh regained his health and Nihal Singh died soon after.

Nihal Singh’s son Sham Singh had caught Ranjit Singh’s eye at an early age by his dash, vigor and soldierly qualities. Soon he made his name in his first campaign when in command of a battery of guns at the siege of Multan in 1818 and in spite of being wounded, he was the first to storm the breach in the fort and take it. Thereafter he served with distinction in many other campaigns in the North and gained as great a name for courage as his illustrious father.

The clan of Attariwalas gained so much strength and influence that in order to have them on his right side, Maharaja Ranjit Singh sought the hand of Sham Singh’s daughter for his grandson Prince Naunihal Singh. The marriage took place at Amritsar on the 7th March, 1837. History records it as the last marriage of its kind in oriental splendor and pageantry. Sir Henry Fane, the British Commander-in-Chief, was present on the occasion. The wedding is said to have cost the Attari Sardar Rs. 15 lakhs.

In the absence of a strong hand after the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the rot which set in the Kingdom of Punjab is too well known to the students of Sikh history. The intrigues of selfish and treacherous sirdars at the court so disgusted Sham Singh that he retired from the court and settled down at Attari to spend the last days of his life in prayer and meditation. The intrigues at the Lahore Durbar culminated in a plan to divert the powerful Khalsa Army towards the British. Sham Singh was called by Maharani Jindan for advice. He strongly protested against. this mad Venture but to no avail. On the other hand he was dubbed as a traitor and Maharani Jindan called him a coward and not true to the salt of her late husband. Sham Singh needed no more of such words for he was anything but a coward. He returned to Attari and in the dusk of his age, he once again donned his armor and followed by loyal horsemen, left for his rendezvous with destiny.

Historians are of the opinion that the battle of Sabraon of the First Sikh War (1846) where Sham Singh was in command of troops should never have been lost. The morale of the soldiers was high, some were seasoned veterans of many campaigns, and were led by devoted soldiers. But that was not the intention of the traitors at the Durbar who did eve~1hing possible to starve them of ammunition and other administrative support.

The night previous to the battle,. it had rained heavily and the river Sutlej was in spate. Tej Singh, a court noble, came to Sham Singh’s camp at night and tried to persuade him to beat a retreat while the pontoon bridge was still intact. Sham Singh was infuriated. At this Tej Singh taunted him by saying that if he considered himself so brave and upright why doesn’t he take a pledge to fight till the last. Sham Singh asked for the Holy Granth to be brought and standing before it in all humility he took a vow that he will return victorious or perish.

As the dawn was breaking, the troops moved into attack. Sham Singh, tall and handsome with flowing grey beared, donned saffron robes, the garment of a shahid, and mounted his white charger. Drawing the sword in his right hand and shouting Sat-Siri-Akal, he charged at the enemy, with his followers at his heels. For a moment the British troops were flabbergasted for they had never seen anything like this charge before. Soon they recovered their wits and the firing became intense. Sham Singh’s followers started dropping and soon mere handfuls were left. The old Sirdar fell at last. When his body was examined, seven bullets had pierced his chest; all from the front and none from the back. Just as he had wanted. The battle of Sabraon was lost but out of respect for the gallant adversary, the British ordered ceasefire and allowed Sham Singh’s followers to take his body away. The body was brought back to Attari on elephant back after seven days march. His wife put on her bridal dress and ornaments and performed Satee at his funeral pyre. This is the last Satee recorded in history. To this day Attariwalas do not wear saffron color at weddings and on other happy occasions. Lavish tributes were paid to this hero, from the Governor General and British Commander-in ­Chief to lower commanders who fought against him. Thus records Griffin, the British historian, “Sirdar Sham Singh was one 01 the best representatives of the Jat race which, for manliness, honesty, strength, and courage is second to none in the world. His death was a great loss for there was no one to take his place. There were, it is true, many of humble ranks in the villages around Gujaranwala, Lahore and Amritsar of equal, courage, simplicity and devotion to the interests of the country, but none among the intriguing Sirdars at the Court. Had there been more chiefs like him, the Sikh nation would have preserved the independence, which it madly threw away”.

Thousands of people die in this world everyday and pass into oblivion. Sham Singh’s martyrdom had a meaning and significance. It is one of those sacrifices which keep a nation alive and serve as a beacon guide to the coming genera­tions.  A nation without tradition of sacrifice and devotion has no right to exist as such. Sham Singh’s extreme act of gallantry has not gone in vain. Shah Mohd., the famous Punjabi poet immortalized him in his epic poem. Today the country remembers him with gratitude. A befitting memorial is yet to be erected at his native village at Attari, though a beautiful portrait of his hangs in the Sikh Regimental Center museum a good reminder to our young soldiers of the stuff we are made of.


  • Chaudhary Khan Chand, Jagirdar Of Attari, was married had issues with two sons -
    • Gaur Singh (d.1763)
    • Kaur Singh, was married had issues with four sons-
      • Tek Singh
      • Jodh Singh , was married had issues with two sons-
        • Pratap Singh , was married had issue with one son-
          • Karam Singh
        • General Raja Chattar Singh (b.1796-d.1858), was married to Rani Khanan Kumari , Daughter of Raja Gulab Singh Dogra,was married had issue's with four sons and one daughter -
          • Raja Sher Singh (b.1824- d.1858)
          • Captain Gulab Singh (b.1827- d.1887), was married had issues with one son and two daughters-
            • Nihal Singh (b.1883-d.1941), (adopted), was married to Rajkumari Ghanashyam Kaur Of Mursan, was married to four sons-
              • Hukam Singh
              • Jagat Singh
              • Arjan Singh
              • Mehtab Singh , was married had issue with one son-
                • Hira Singh, was married had issues with two sons-
                  • Narain Singh
                  • Sundar Singh , was married had issue with one son-
                    • Lal Singh , was married had issues with two daughters and two sons-
                      • Bibiji Satinderpal Kaur
                      • Jarnail Singh
                      • Bibiji Raminder Kaur
                      • Raminder Singh
            • Bibiji Narinder Kaur Sahiba, was married to Shergill Jat Jagirdar Sardar Umrao Singh Majithia Of Dumri
            • Bibiji Har Kaur Sahiba, was married to Gill Jat Jagirdar Sardar Balwant Singh Of Ranger Nangal
          • Attar Singh, was married had issue with one son-
            • Prem Singh (b.1852- d.1928), was married had issues with two sons-
              • Virpal Singh , was married had issues with one daughter and two sons-
                • Bibiji Kuldeep Kaur , was married to SardarParampal Singh
                • Gurbaksh Singh
                • Balbir Singh
          • Tej Singh ,(b.1836-d.1869), was married to BibijiMehtab Kaur of Kalaswala
          • Bibiji Tej Kaur Sahiba (b.1838-d.1863), was married to Janmeja Singh Shergill Of Mari
  • Sardar Gaur Singh (d.1763), Jagirdar Of Attari, was served under Sardar Lehna Singh Bhangi and Gujjar Singh Of Lahore, and received several villages around the attari,and in 1735 he received his Pahal (Sikh baptism),was married had issues with three sons -
    • Dal Singh
    • Dyal Singh
    • Nihal Singh (d.1818)
  • Sardar Nihal Singh (d.1818), Jagirdar Of Attari, in starting he was served under the Bhangi Misl, his Jagir worth was Rs.15000/-, later he served under Maharaja Of Lahore in 1817 , he accompanied the Maharaja in the Kasur Expedition, which ended with the defeat and expedition, which ended with the defeat and expulsion of Qutab-ud-Din. After the his Estate worth was 1,00,000/-,was married had issue with one son -
    • General Sham Singh Attariwala (d.1846)
  • General Sham Singh Attariwala, Jagirdar Of Attari, was one of the greatest Jat warrior, he was general,under the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore,and employed in the services of the Maharaja. In 1818 , he took part in the military campaigns of Peshawar , attockane Multan.after Maharaja Ranjit Singh ,He was served under Maharani Jind Kaur ,was married to two sons and one daughter -
    • Thakur Singh (d.1842)
    • Kahn Singh (d.1873), was of weak intellect and incapacitated, and died isuesless in 1873.
    • Bibiji Nanki (d.1848), was married to Bhatti Jat ruler Maharaja NauNihal Singh Of Lahore (d.1840)
  • Sardar Thakur Singh, (d.1842), Jagirdar Of Attari, was married had issues with three sons -
    • Jiwan Singh(d.1894), was married had issues with two sons-
      • Partap Singh (b.1879)
      • Changa Singh (b.1875- d.1947),
    • Hari Singh (d.1875), was married had issues with two sons-
      • Jawand Singh
      • Chanda Singh
    • Ajit Singh C.I.E (b.1839 to d.1888) was married to three sons-
      • Fateh Singh (b.1894)
      • Mohinder Singh (b.1904-d.1971),was married had issues with two sons-
        • Bibiji Sukhinder Kaur
        • Colonel Harinder Singh Attari (b.1937), was married had issues two sons
      • Sameerpal Singh (b.1916-d.1997)
  • Sardar Ajit Singh C.I.E (b.1839 to d.1888), Jagirdar Of Attari, was become an Honorary Magistrate and a civil Judge in the Amritsar, he was fluent in urdu and english.was appointed Sub-Registar of Attari.In 1872 he passed the department examination prescribed for assistant commissioner.This enabled him to exercise complete jurisdiction over 200 villages around Attari, In 1875 he become a collector to the revenue department and just two years later.he obtained the rank of Assistant Commissioner.In 1885 he received OBE , was married had issues with four sons, He was died in 1888 at the age of 49 -
    • Balwant Singh ,was married had issues with one son-
      • Rajwant Singh
    • Kulwant Singh (d.1976)
    • Basant Singh Attari, was a Cadet in the Imperial Cadet Corps. During a shooting hunt with other Sikh chiefs in Nainital, he died accidently while resting on his gun which had exploded, had issue with one son :-
      • Mohinder Singh Attari, was born in 1904,was well known for co-operating in all Government funding for rural reconstruction work and was the first to offer his services to the Government in the Second World War. Mohinder Singh studied at Aitchison College, Lahore, and married Sardarni Kuldeep Kaur, the daughter of Virk Jat Jagirdar Sardar Jogendra Singh of Bharatgarh, in Ambala District. She later became a famous actress in Hindi and Punjabi films. Her first film in 1948 was titled 'Chaman' and her last film 'Sunheri Raatein' was released in 1960. She passed away in the same year,had issue with one son, he died in 1982 :-
        • Dhaneshwar Singh (b.1942), also know as "Danny" ,was studied first at Mayo College, Ajmer.which had been affiliated with chiefs college in Lahore, and later graduated from Goverment College, Ludhiana in 1963,he established a construction company thus becoming a pioneer in overall development of sector 17,was married to Sardarni Harnup Kaur from Ludhiana in 1964, had issues with two daughters and one son-
          • Bibiji Amteshwar Kaur , married to Ricky Singh from Shrinagar
          • Bibiji Harnam Kaur ,(b.1968), also known as "Nicky " , married to Vikram Singh Tohana
          • Dinesh Singh Sidhu, was born in 1971, at Chandigarh. He studied at St.John High School, Chandigarh.and continued with his education until 1988.after graduating from school, he underwent a course in Hotel & Restaurant Management at Palm Beach Garden's Florida , He is presently active in the General Sham Singh Attariwala trust,was married had issues with two sons-
            • Jai Singh
            • Amar Singh
    • Harbans Singh , (b.1878),was achieved numerous accolades , on such achievement was is appointment as the first president of the SGPC in amritsar, was married had issues with two sons-
      • Brigadier Jasbir Singh (b.1922- d.2004), was studied at Aitchison College, lahore,finally becoming a doctor from Medical college, Lahore, In 1940,he joined the British Indian army and served as a "Major" in the second World war two in 1942, Later he served at Guy's Hospital during the london Blitz He was retired from the Indian army as "Brigadier" In 1971, was married had issues with two sons -
        • Amarbir Singh ,was born in Shimla and educated at the prestigious Doon school,known as Eton of india.he died from Cancer in 1996, he had no children's.
        • Anantbir Singh , was born in Shimla and studied at the Doon School, Dehradun.Kamal College, Chandigarh and Punjabi University, Patiala ,In 1969, he travelled to Heidelberg university, Germany , to write a thesis on the role of India and the United Nations.
      • Jaswant Singh
  • Sardar Changa Singh, Jagirdar Of Attari, was Durbari, and belonged to the Punjab aristocracy and truly epitomized the Attari Chief Family, was married the daughter of Shergill Jat Jagirdar Sardar Kahan Singh of Majithia, Honorary Magistrate. His Jagir worth was 2,500 ruppee, was born in 1875, was married had issues with three sons, He died 1947 -
    • Fateh Singh (b.1894), was married had issue's with two sons-
      • Dr. Parminder Singh
      • Ravinder Singh
    • Mohinder Singh (b.1904-d.1971)
    • Sameerpal Singh (b.1916-d.1997), was joined the indian army in January 1942,he was deputed on two foreign postings to Indo- China prior to his retirement in 1968, was died had issues with two sons , He died at Dehradun-
      • Dr. Parminder Singh , born in 1946, studied at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla .And obtained his Bachelor's Master & PHD in Aerospace science from the university of Colorado, USA, He is the inventor of "ABIOCOR" the world's first artificial heart to the implanted in human body, was married had issues with two sons -
        • Mahender Singh , M.D Radiologist , working in San Francisco
        • Surinder Singh, working for bank of America in Boston ,USA.
      • Ravinder Singh ,was studied at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla and later graduated from Government College, Chandigarh.He underwent training as a commercial Pilot at Clinton Aviation in Denver, Colorado, USA. Presently he is engaged in real estate and construction work. He is blessed with two daughters, currently he live at Chandigarh.
  • Sardar Mohinder Singh, Jagirdar Of Attari, was staff officer to the Chief of the General Staff. Officer to the Chief of the General staff,in the Patiala Army.In 1926 his H.H.Maharaja Bhupendra Singh Of Patiala was pleased to appoint him as Lieutenant in his army in the "1st Patiala Regiment" and was later promoted as his personal A.D.C . Rising to the rank of "Major".He was awarded several Medals including; Nishan-E-Phul, Silver Jubilee Medal and Rajyabhishek Medal, and was popularly known as "Raja sahib". was married to Sardarni Balbir Kaur , daughter of Sandhu Jat Jagirdar Captain Sardar Bahadur Sardar Janmeja Singh Of Thethar OBE had issue's with one son and one daughter, He died 67 -
    • Bibiji Sukhinder Kaur
    • Colonel Harinder Singh (b.1937)
  • Colonel Sardar Harinder Singh, Jagirdar Of Attari, was born in 1937, was educated at Aitchison College, Lahore, and after the Partition of 1947, joined Yadavindra Public School (YPS) in Patiala. He was awarded the 'Yadavindra Gold Medal' and Field Marshal Cariappa Art Shield. He graduated from Cambridge University, England, with distinction in Fine Arts. He later joined the Indian Army for the next twenty-six years with distinction; being awarded several medals for conducting active insurgency operations in Nagaland, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He was also posted at Amritsar during Indo Pak war of 1971.During his army career, he held special assignments as Instructor of the Military Academy, Defence Services Staff College (Wellington) and Chief Instructor at the United Services Institute of India, New Delhi. On the academic front, he holds a Masters Degree in Defence Studies, Post Graduation in Business Management and Marketing.Besides this, he had contested elections both for MP (Member of Parliament) and MLA (Member Legislative Assembly) from the Tarn Taran and Raja Sansi constituencies respectively in 1991. Colonel HarinderAttari is currently General-Secretary of the General Sham Singh Attariwala Trust,was married to Dhillon Jat Jagirdar Sardarni Gurcharan Singh of Shamgarh had issues with three sons -
    • Malvinder Singh, (b.1967), is a former student of Yadavindra Public School, Patiala, and St. Goethals School, Darjeeling. He finished his schooling from Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School, Mussoorie, where he was Captain of the school and was termed as the 'Best Athlete. Later, he graduated from Government College, Chandigarh. He served with Air India and is currently holding a senior position with Emirates Airlines. He married Sardarni Roopam Kaur, the daughter of Sardar Ajmair Singh Bhullar, had issue with one son-
      • Aadee Singh
    • Captain Gurshivinder Singh (b.1974), he was awarded several medals including the coveted "Duke Of Edinburgh Medal". He was declared as the "Best Athlete" of his times ,after graduation, he qualified as a commercial pilot ans passed hia exams with distinction from the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Iran Academy, Rae Bareilly,was married to Gul Panag, a flim actor, daughter of Lt General H.S Panag, had issue with one son-
      • Nihal Singh Attari (b.2018)
    • Captain Rustom Singh (b.1978),studied from Lawrence School, Lovedale, (Ooty). After graduating, he qualified in procuring a Commercial Pilots License and underwent training abroad. He passed his exams with distinction from the 'Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Academy', Rae Bareilly. He is now a senior pilot with Air India. He has a great passion for mountaineering and cycling. He was honoured for undergoing a daring mission in evacuating thousands of Indian expats from Yemen under severe battle conditions. Interestingly, the Discovery Channel had covered the event titled 'Operation Rahat' which was carried out under the supervision of the former Army Chief & Minister of Foreign Affairs General V. K. Singh. Forbes India Magazine also published the article in their issue of July 2015, was married to Dr.TriptiBrar , daughter of flt. Liet .SardarJaideep Singh Brar, a highly respected Landlord and Mla from the Terai Region of Uttar Pradesh, had issues with one son-
      • Umed Singh Attari (b.2018)


Sardar Mohinder Singh Of Attariwala

Sardar Mohinder Singh Of Attariwala , was born in 1904 into a Sidhu Jat family , He was the great grandson of General Sham Singh. His father, Sardar Basant Singh, was a Cadet in the…

Captain Gulab Singh Attariwala

Captain Gulab Singh Attariwala  was born in 1827 the younger sibling of Raja Sher Singh Attari wala,He was permitted to return to Punjab after the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Henry Davis, cancelled an order, forbidding him to…

Sardarni Kuldip Kaur Of Attariwala

Sardarni Kuldip Kaur Of Attariwala also know as Kuldip Kaur was an Indian actress who worked in Hindi and Punjabi films. Known for her roles as negative characters, she was cited as Indian cinema’s “most…

Sardar Jodh Singh Of Attariwala

Sardar Jodh Singh Of Attariwala , was born into a Sidhu Jat family , He entered the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore in 1805, after a brave but vain attempt to hold the…

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