Next the buddha Dal under the command of their redoubtable leader, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia over-ran Jullundur Doab held by Saadat Khan. Diwan Bishambar Das was defeated in the battle of Urmar Tanda whereupon Saadat Khan shut himself up in his fort of Jullundur and dared not come out to fight Jassa Singh Ahluwalia occupied a large number of villages and carved out a small principality for himself. Other Sikh Jat Sardars also seized their old possessions in Jullundur Doab.


  • Bute Shah, Tarikh-i- Punjab 534-35; Ahmad Shah Batalia, pp. 491-92; Rattan Singh, Panth Parkash 473-481.
  • Sikhs In The Eighteenth Century.
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