Major Maharaja Brij Indar Singh Of Faridkot was born at Faridkot, 26th October 1896.He was son of Gajendra Singh Sahib Bahadur, He was done there education from Aitchison College, Lahore later he was  Adopted by his paternal uncle, H.H. Farzand-i-SadaatNishanHazrat-i-Kaiser-i-Hind Raja Balbir Singh, Brar Bans Sahib Bahadur, Raja of Faridkot. Succeeded on his death, 11th February 1906. Installed on the gadi, at the Raj Mahal, Faridkot, 15th March 1906.

In October 1912 the State was thrown into mourning by the sad death of Kunwar Gajendra Singh Sahib Bahadur, the younger brother and constant companion of the Raja Balbir Singh Brar Of Faridkot.In 1913 the Maharaja’s sister was married to the Maharaja of Bharatpur The Maharaja Brijinder Singh Brar was married to H.H. Maharani Mahinder Kaur Sahiba the daughter of Sardar Jivan Singh Shahid of Shahzadpur C.S.I, and on the 29th January 1915 the union was blessed with the birth of a son, the present Tikka Sahib.He Granted the personal title of “Maharaja” in recognition of his services during the Great War, 1st January 1918. Honorable Major IA 1/1/1918. In 1911 Maharaja Of Faridkot was received Delhi Durbar Medal.He was died at the Raj Mahal, Faridkot, 23rd December 1918. His successor was H.H.Farzand-i-Saadat-i-Nishan-i-Hazrat-i-Kaiser-i-Hind Maharaja Sir Harinder Singh, Brar Bans Sahib Bahadur.

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