For some time past Amar Singh Thapa had been busy fighting against Sansar Chand of Kangra. According to Diwan Amar Nath the Gurkha army thrown against Sansar Chand was about 50 thousand with two guns. The Kangra chief sent his brother Fateh Chand as his emissary to Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore for help against the Gurkhas. Ranjit Singh demanded a heavy price for the help in the form of possession of the fort of Kangra. Sansar C.hand agreed to surrender the fort and it passed into the hands of Lahore forces on August 24, 1809.

On September 24,1809 Ranjit Singh valiantly entered the Kangra fort and held a grand Durbar there in which the rulers of Kangra, Chamba, Nurpur, Kotla, Shahpur, Jasrota, Basoli, Mankot, Jaswan, Guler, Mandi’ Suket, Kulu and Datarpur participated. All the hill chiefs offered nazaranas to the Maharaja and on their return they received robes of honour from him. Ranjit Singh appointed Desa Singh Majithia in charge of the fort of Kangra with Pahar Singh Mann Of Mughalchak as its deputy nazim.


  • Sohan Lai Suri, op. tit., II, p. 87.
  • Ibid., p, 90; Amar Nath, op.cit., pp. 53-54; Ganesh Das. op. cit., p. 151.
  • Ganesh Das Badhera, op. cit., p. 152
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