Akalgarh had been conferred on Dal Singh by Sardar Mahan Singh Of Sukerchakia. Since Dal Singh had become hostile to Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahorethe former was brought to Lahore by the latter and interned there in 1800. Dal Singh assured Ranjit Singh of his perfect innocence and he was released on the intercession of Rani Sada Kaur Kahniyaand Baba Kesra Singh Sodhi. Dal Singh died shortly after arriving back at Akalgarh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh visited Akalgarh for condolence. He granted a Jagir of two villages to Dal Singh’s widow for her subsistence, and placed Akalgarh under his control.
- Amar Nath, op.cit., p. 13; Sohan Lai Suri, op.cit., II, p. 49, Muhammad Latif, op.cit., p. 354.
- Sohan Lai Suri, op.cit., II, p. 49.
- ibid., p. 50; Muhammad Latif, op.cit., p. 354.