After Fateh Singh’s death, his elder son Nihal Singh Of Kapurthala, who was born on March 10,1817, succeeded him. Amar Singh, the younger brother of Nihal Singh, hatched a conspiracy against his brother. When Nihal Singh was leaving his residence with only one attendant he was attacked by Amar Singh’s men. The attendant threw himself before his master and was cut to pieces by the enemies but the Raja was saved with a few wounds. Ranjit Singh called both the brothers to Lahore and expressed sympathy with Nihal Singh and directed him to allow Amar Singh a separate maintenance allowance of Rs. 30,000, a year. Amar Singh always remained in sincere to his elder brother. Nihal Singh would have remained in fear of being dispossessed but for the premature death of Amar Singh.

On the 28th of March, 1841, Maharaja Sher Singh went on a boating excursion on the Ravi along with Dhian Singh, Hira Singh, Jamadar Khushal Singh, Bhai Gurmukh Singh, Rai Kesara Singh, Attar Singh Kalianwala and Amar Singh Ahluwalia. The boat was suddenly filled with water. Amar Singh Ahluwalia was drowned and the rest of the party escaped with difficulty by means of their riding elephants which were waiting on the bank and which were driven into the river to their assistance.

Nihal Singh assisted the British in their march to Kabul. In the First Anglo-Sikh war of 1845 Nihal Singh did not side with the British. He was ordered by the British to cross Saduj and join them but he did not comply with the orders. On 31 st of November, 1845, news was received by Major Broad foot to the effect that the Ahluwalia subjects had joined the Lahore forces. They fought against the British at Aliwal and Buddowal. As a punishment for his conduct, Nihal Singh’s territories, south of Saduj, estimated at Rs. 5,65,00, a year, were confiscated by the British. In the Second Sikh War, Nihal Singh offered to help the English. After the war was over the Governor-General of the East India Company visited Kapurthala. Nihal Singh died on 13th September, 1852.

“Raja Nihal Singh was popular with his subjects and was of benevolent disposition. He had litde strength of character, and was completely in the hands of his favourites, whose influence was rarely for good. His apathy and vacillation were such that he was unable to carry out measures which he acknowledged to be advantageous and he brought on himself and his state troubles which the most ordinary energy and courage might have averted.

References :-

  • History Of the sikhs by Hari Ram Gupta
  • Ibid., p. 529; Muhammad Latif, op. tit., p. 320; Gian Singh, op. tit, p. 760.
  • Lepel Griffin, op. tit, pp. 510-11.
  • Ibid., p. 535; Gian Singh, op. tit., p. 763.
  • Ibid., pp. 537-38; Gian Singh, op. tit, p. 764.
  • Ibid., p. 504.
  • Gian Singh, op. tit, p. 765
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