Sahib Singh Of Veglia was born into a Bhullar Jat family , from the earliest times, they were skilled in combat skills. He also expanded his territory by defeating the big and small Jagirdars in his surroundings. Later he joined the Kanhays confederacy about 1760, and fought under both Jai Singh and Hakikat Singh. He took possession of Tara-garh in the Pathaukot pargana of the Gurdaspur district, and after Sardar Mahan Singh Of Sukerchakia successfull expedition against Jammu, Sahib Singh, who had accompanied it, received a grant of Sayadgarh, worth Rs. 30,000. He founded the village of Wachoya, where he resided till his death in 1803. His estates in Taragarh, Sayadgarh and Wachoys were of the value of Rs. 90,000.

References :-

  • Chiefs and families note in Punjab by L.H Griffin.
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