Sardar Albel Singh, the eldest son of Bania Jat Chief Sardar Himmat Singh predeceased his Rather when he was first wounded fighting the Pathans at Jamrud fort in 1831. He was later killed on the banks of the river Jhelum fighting along with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1825. Sardar Kishan Singh, the youngest son, continued to receive remunerations from the estates, subject to the provision of one hundred and eighty horsemen. In 1832, the family estate was divided between Sardar Kishan Singh who had died at Kohat (now in Pakistan) and his nephew Sardar Achal Singh. The Dhogri Jagir, was inherited by Sardar Ram Singh, a nephew of Sardar Himmat Singh, where by Sardar Achal Singh maintained Alawalpur. During annexation of Punjab, the Alawalpur Jagir was reduced to the equivalent of 80 Sowars which was confirmed for life by the Government in
1847. Thus the six villages left to Sardar Achal Singh, was assessed at a regular settlement of Rs 3,900. After his death, the Jagirs and pensions which generated Rs 3,000 were granted to his widows and sons.