Sardar Partap Singh Of Alawalpur was born in 1832 into a Bains Jat family , He along with his younger brothe Ait Singh, provided military assistance o the British Government in providing five Sowars and ten footmen during the Mutiny of 1857. D.G Barkley, Deputy Commissioner of Jalandhar, considered to the courts, on behalf of the brothers, of converting the family Jagirs to life-pensions, which had successfully been sanctioned by the Secretary of State in the same year. The cash pensions of Sardar Partap Singh and Ajit Singh, were commuted to a Jagir grant of three-fourths of Alawalpur village valued at Rs 2,000 per annum. This was continued after their deaths to the lineal male heirs of the late Sardar Achal Singh.