Sardar Sher Singh Sibia was born into SibiaJat family , He was the eldest son of Sardar Mahan Singh. His distinguished career was deemed lengthy, and he joined the Jind State Infantry as an officer, in 1882. Then, he was appointed Super- intendent of Police, in 1904, and promoted as Tehsildar five years later, and to the post of Nizam, in 1918. The famous Delhi Durbar of 1911, is remembered as the coronation ceremony of King George V, on his official visit to India. Sardar Sher Singh participated with His Highness Maharaja Ranbir Singh Bahadur, of Jind, as part of the royal entourage to Delhi. He met with the Heads of States to familiarise himself with their difficulties in governance and working conditions, and the participants from Jind State were presented with a coronation medal as a memento to accommodate the historic occasion. In 1921, he became Sessions Judge, and was made Member of the Revenue Settlement Board. He was also granted a Sword of Honour, for his meritorious service in recruitment by the Government.

Sources :-

  • The Punjab Chiefs By Bobby Bansal.

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