On the 4th April Shafi from his camp on the Chittang stream despatched Mir Mansur and five other chiefs to Indrit (6 miles south of Ladwa). They plundered Husainpur on the way, expelled Dhaliwal Jat ruler Baghel Singh’s military post from Indri, and left their troops with a few pieces of camel artillery and long firelocks, and considerable quantity of grain. On the 6th April a fierce fight took place between Mir Mansur and the Sikhs near Indri. The Sikh force leaving their horses in the neighbouring jungle fought on foot. Just then Mir Mansur was reinforced by 3,000 Afghans from Karnal and Kunjpura. When the battle was ragingin full fury, battalions of Sayyid Ali and Sheikh Hyder arrived on the scene and opened artillery fire on the Sikhs from the rear. In the fight Mir Mansur and Sheikh Hyder lost their horses,The Sikhs sustained heavy losses. They left 150 men dead including Ratan Singh chief. The loss on the imperial side was thirty men killed and fifty wounded. The Sikhs fled and encamped at Radaur, five miles distant. Thus the military posts at Indri and Husainpur were maintained. Another Sikh contingent attacked Shafi in the gardens of Sikandra: while the ‘amils of Buria and Sadhaura were given no rest by the Sikhs.

References :-

  • History of the sikhs vol.3 by Hari ram Gupta.
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