Jammu was tributary to the Sukarchakia Misl, but the tribute had not been paid for many years. Diwan Amar Nath says that on his return from Bhasin, in 1800 Ranjit Singh thought of annexing Jammu. On his way he conquered Mirowal in Sialkot district and realized a tribute of Rs. 8,000 from Narowal. He then laid siege to Chaprar. Ranjit Singh called upon the garrison to surrender. On their refusal he stormed the mud fort and captured it. In consequence the Raja of Jammu submitted without any opposition and offered a nazarana of Rs 20,000 in cash together with elephants and jewellery. In 1809 Bhawani Das conquered Jammu, and it became a part of Ranjit Singh’s kingdom. Jamadar Khushhal Singh was its first governor. In 1818, Jammu was assigned to Gulab Singh for an annual tribute of Rs 4 lakhs. In 1822 Maharaja Ranjit Singh coronated Gulab Singh and made him Raja of Jammu.

References :-

  • Hari Ram Gupta – History of the Sikhs Vol. V The Sikh Lion of Lahore (Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 1799-1839)
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