





Hindi Name


Time Period



Chaudhri Gulab Rai, a Bains Jat of Mahalpur, Hoshiarpur, joined in the Sikh Conquest of the Sirhind province in 1759, and secured for himself the village of Jala, whence the family derives its title of Jald-walia or Jalawasia. He afterwards acknowledged the supremacy of the Naha Chief, who incorporated Jala and other villages seized by Gulab Rai with his own territory. His son, Himat Singh, represented Nabha in the negotiations which led to the Cis-Sutlej Chiefs being taken under British protection. For his services he was granted lands by the Rajas of Patiala and Jind, valued at Rs. 20,000 per annum.

In 1812 he was induced by Maharaja Ranjit Singh to leave Nabha and’ become his Wazir, which office he continued to hold until his death in1826. He and his four brothers were given the Alawalpur ilaqa, in the Jullundur district, forfeited by the Pathans in 1812, with a revenue of Rs. 1,20,000 per annum. This jagir was subsequently increased until the annual value of the holdings reached three lakhs. Himat Singh also received two villages south of the Sutlej from Sardar Fateh Singh Ahluwalia, ancestor of the present Maharaja of Kapurthala. These villages are now in the Ludhiana district, and the widow of Basawa Singh, a grandson of Himat Singh, held a small plot, revenue free, in one of them. Sardar Albel Singh, elder son of Himat Singh, pre-deceased his father. He was killed on the banks of the Jhelum in 1825, fighting for Ranjit Singh. The Maharaja expended Rs. 5,000 upon his samadh, and granted a muaft plot for its maintenance and repairs. On Sardar Himat Singh’s death in 1829, the Alawalpur villages, valued at Rs. 60,000 per annum, were continued to his heirs subject to the provision of one hundred and eighty horsemen. In 1832 the estates were divided between the younger son, Kishan Singh, and the grandson,

‘Achal Singh. The two estates were thereafter known as Alwalpur and Dhogri, both in the Jullundur Tahsil. Sardar Kishan Singh was killed in battle before Kohat in 1841, and adrantage was taken of his son’s minority to transfer the Dhogri jagirs to Sardar Ram Singh, nephew of Himat Singh, a General high in the Maharaja’s farour. On his receiving command of the troops in the Lahore and Gujrat districts, this.

Dhogri jagir was exchanged for one of similar value in Gurdaspur, which, however, lapsed to the State on the death of Ram Singh’s son Alam Singh. Alawalpur was thus all that remained to the family, Achal Singh being at its head. His jagir was reduced on annexation by the deduction of an equivalent for the service of eighty sovars, and was confirmed for his life by Government orders passed in 1847. The sir and a half villages thus left to him were assessed at the regular Settlement at Rs. 9,180, and this revenue was enjoyed by Achal Singh until his death in 1857, when the jagir was resumed, pensions aggregating Rs. 3,000 being granted to his widows and sons. Both Partab Singh and Ajit Singh were forward in their offers of help during the Mutiny. They furnished five sowars and ten footmen, and offered their personal services, which, however, were not required. In 1874 Mr. D. G. Barkley, Deputy Commissioner of Jullundur, applied on behalf of the brothers for a re-consideration of the orders converting the family jagir into a life-pension. His recommendation received the sanction of the Secretary of State in the same jear. Thereunder the cash pension of Sardars Partab Singh and Ajit Singh was commuted to a jagir grant of three-fourths of the village of Alawalpur, valued under the then assessment at Rs. 2,000 per anunm, to be continued after their death to the lineal heirs male of the late Sardar Achal Singh.

Sardar Ajit Singh was better known than his brother Partab Singh, who did not mix much in public affairs. He was appointed Sub-Registrar at Alawalpur in 1875, and Honorary Magistrate in 1881. The title of Sardar Bahadur was conferred upon him by the Viceroy’s sanad of 1888. By his loyal and upright conduct he gained the respect of every official connected with the Jullundur district, and his in-partiality as a magistrate and private liberality and charities made him popular with the people of his neighbourhood. Both Sardar Partab Singh and Sardar Bahadur Ajit Singh were Darbaris.Sardar Partab Singh, who died in 1894, was connected by marriage with the late Sardar Bhup Singh of Rupar, who gave his daughter a’village in dowry. On resumption of Sardor Bhup Singh’s jagir, this daughter was allowed a pension of Rs. 200 per annum in liou of the said village. Sardar Ajit Singh married the daughter of Jai Singh of Sankhatra, Sialkot, and died in 1889. His son, Bhagwan Singh, married a daughter of the late Sardar Thakur Singh Sidhanwalia, who died in exile at Pondichery. Bhagwan Singh died in 1897, and left two sons Gurbachan Singh and Gurcharan Singh who had been born of different mothers.Gurbachan Singh spent his early years under the care of his maternal uncles, Sardar Umrao Singh and Sir Sundar Singh Majithia.Since his release from the Court of Wards in 1916, he has been taking-a very active part in the public life of his district and has invariably placed his services at the disposal of Government in times of political excitement. During the Great War he supplied recruits and subscribed to the War Loan and other funds. In the disturbances of 1919 and later during the Akali agitation his influence was cast on the side of law and order. He became Presidest of the Town Committee of Alawalpur in 1924, and in 1930 rose to be a member of the Provincial Legislative Council. The title of Sardar Sahib was conferred upon him in 1934.

At present he is a Sub-Registrar at Jullundur. Of his second marriage with the daughter of Sir Joginder Singh, he has two sons named Prabh Inder Singh and Maniv Indar Singh.

Gurcharan Singh, like his brother, Gurbachan Singh, was also helpful to the administration during the Great War and in more recent years. He has also been an elected member of the Town Committee of Alawalpur, its Vice-President and Honorary Secretary. He, indeed, is the life and soul of this body and is very popular on that account.

He has four sons, Amarjit Singh, Ranjit Singh, Jagjit Singh and Haumaijit Singh.

Sardar Partap Singh’s son, Sardar Achhar Singh, is at present the head of the family. He served as a Sub-Registrar at Alawalpur until his retirement in 1932. He was granted by Government 10 squares of land in the Montgomery district. His son, Sant Parkash Singh, had a brilliant career at the Aitchison College. In 1920 he was taken in the Indian Police and has since served with distinction. His work in connection with the communal riots in Multan was specially appreciated by the Governor in Council.

The second son of Sardar Partap Singh died in 1982, leaving behind three sons, Mohindar Singh, Harbans Singh and Umrao Singh. The first was educated at the Government College, Lahore, and came to posses about 4,000 acres of land at Kang Khurd in the Jullundur and Amritsar district through his adoption by his maternal grandmother.Sardar Harbans Singh is an LL.B. and was practising as a lawyer at Jullundur. He was the Senior Vice-President of the Jullundur DistrictBoard.


  • Chaudhary Gulab Rai, a Bains Jat of Mahalpur, he joined the Sikh forces which conquered Sirhind province in 1759, and secured for himself the village of Jalla; married and had issue, five sons.
    • Sardar Amar Singh , was married had issues with one son -
      • General Ram Singh ,was employed by the Sikh Government, in 1845,He was afterwards employed as Judge (adálati) at Lahore and Gujrat. Ho died in 1852 .
    • Sardar Himmat Singh (qv)
  • Sardar Himmat Singh, Jagirdar of Alawalpur -/1829; he acknowledged the supremacy of the Nabha Chief who incorporated Jalla and other villages in his territory, and joined his service; he was induced by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1812 to leave Nabha and become his Wazir which office he held until his death; he and his brothers were granted Alawalpur ilaqa in Jagir, married and had issue. He died 1829 and the Alawalpur villages valued at Rs60,000 were continued to his heirs subject to provision of 180 horsemen.
    • Sardar Albel Singh, married and had issue, he was killed fighting for Maharaja Ranjit Singh, on the banks of the Jhelum in 1825.
      • Sardar Achal Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Kishan Singh, Jagirdar of Dhogri 1832/1841, the property was divied betwenn himself and his nephew and he received the jagir of Dhogri; married and had issue. He was killed at Kohat in 1841.
      • Sardar Basawa Singh, he lost Dhogri, though he held some property south of the Sutlej, which had been granted to his grandfather by Sardar Fateh Singh Ahluwalia. He died 1858.
  • Sardar Achal Singh, Jagirdar of Alawalpur 1829/1857, he received Alawalpur when the jagir was divided in 1832, on annexation his jagir was reduced to the equivalent of 80 sowars, and confirmed for his life in 1847, married and had issue, two sons. He died 1857.
    • Sardar Pratap Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Bahadur Sardar Ajit Singh, joint Jagirdar of Alawalpur 1874/1889; he was appointed Sub-Registrar at Alawalpur in 1875 and Honorary Magistrate in 1881; he was granted the title of Sardar Bahadur by a Viceregal sanad in 1888; Provincial Darbari, married Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, a daughter of Jai Singh of Sankhatra, Sialkot, and had issue. He died 1889.
      • Sardar Bhagwan Singh, born 1866, married 1stly, Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, daughter of Raja Surat Singh Majithia C.S.I., married 2ndly, Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, a daughter of Sardar Thakur Singh Sandhanwalia (see Lahore), and had issue, two sons. He died 1897.
        • Sardar Sahib Gurbachan Singh (by 1st wife), born 1891, elected President of the Town Committee of Alawalpur from 1924; Member of the Provincial Legislative Council from 1930; Sub-Registrar at Jullundur; he was granted the title of Sardar Sahib in 1934; married 2ndly, Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, a daughter of Sardar Jogendra Singh Rasulpuria of Aira, and had issue.
          • Sardar Prabh Indar Singh, born 1923.
          • Sardar Maniv Indar Singh, born 1933.
      • Sardar Gurcharan Singh (by 2nd wife), born 1895, elected Member of the Town Committee of Alawalpur, as well as Vice-President and Honorary Secretary; married and had issue, four sons.
        • Sardar Amarjit Singh, born 1923.
        • Sardar Ranjit Singh, born 1926.
        • Sardar Jagjit Singh, born 1930.
        • Sardar Haumaijit Singh, born 1935.
    • JAGIR RESUMED 1857/1874, pensions of Rs3,000 were granted to the widows and sons of Sardar Achal Singh, this was reconsidered in 1874 and the cash pension was converted to a jagir equivalent to three quarters of the village of Alawalpur, to be continued to the heirs of Sardar Achal Singh
  • Sardar Pratap Singh, joint Jagirdar of Alawalpur and Head of the Family 1874/1894; born 1832, Provincial Darbari, married Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, a daughter of Sardar Bhup Singh of Rupar, and had issue. He died 1894.
    • Sardar Achhar Singh (qv)
    • Sardar Jwala Singh, born 1881, married and had issue, three sons. He died 1931/1932.
      • Sardar Mahendra Singh, born 1902, educated at Government College, Lahore.
      • Sardar Hardayal Singh alias Harbans Singh LL.B., born 1906, in practice as a Lawyer at Jullundur; Senior Vice-President of the Jullundur District Board.
      • Bibiji (name unknown) Kaur, married (as his 2nd wife), Sardar Jagbir Singh Attariwala, and had issue.
      • Sardar Umrao Singh, born 1913.
  • Sardar Achhar Singh, joint Jagirdar of Alawalpur and Head of the Family 1894/-, born 1875, he served as Sub-Registrar at Alawalpur till his retirement in 1932; married and had issue.
    • Sardar Sant Prakash Singh (qv)
    • Bibiji Gurprakash Kaur
  • Sardar Sant Prakash Singh, joint Jagirdar of Alawalpur and Head of the Family, born 1899, educated at Aitchison College, Lahore; he joined the Police Service in 1920; married Sardarni Gurchaman Kaur from the village of Sikri in Karnal district, and had issue, two children, one son and one daughter.
    • Sardar Atam Prakash Singh (qv)
    • Bibi Heminder Kaur, was married too Kanwar Pal Singh Gill (29 December 1934 – 26 May 2017) was an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer.
  • Sardar Atam Prakash Singh, Jagirdar Of Alawalpur , was born at Wellington Hospital, Lahore, in 1933. was born at Wellington Hospital, Lahore, in 1933. Like his father, he too was educated at Aitchison College, Lahore. Later, he went on to pursue a degree in Agriculture from the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. He formed part of the delegation sent from India to United States of America. Here he spent about a year in the Midwest, learning the latest practices of farming, was married to Sardarni Satinder Kaur, Daughter Of Sardar Lal Singh Of Bhanohar ,Had issues with four daughters and two sons, He died in 1983.
    • Bibiji Jyot Prakash Kaur (B.1960)
    • Sardar Harprakash Singh 1961-2002
    • Bibiji Anant Prakash Kaur (B.1965)
    • Bibiji Tai Prakash Kaur (B. 1968)
    • Bibiji Harkirat Kaur ( B.1973)
    • Sardar Inayat Singh Banis (b.1981), was married had issue with one son-
      • Nirwan Singh (b.2009)
  • Sardar Harprakash Singh, Jagirdar Of Alawalpur, was born in 1961 , was married to Sardarni Simrat Kaur , had issues with two sons, He died in 2002 in the age of 41.
    • Govind Singh
    • Alam Singh


Sardar Bahadur Sardar Gurbachan Singh Of Alawalpur

Sardar Bahadur Sardar Gurbachan Singh Of Alawalpur, was born in 1891 into Bains Jat family, he was the son of Sardar Bhagwan Singh Of Alawalpur. He studied at Khalsa College, Amritsar. He was dynamic and…

Sardar Partap Singh Of Alawalpur

Sardar Partap Singh Of Alawalpur was born in 1832 into a Bains Jat family , He along with his younger brothe Ait Singh, provided military assistance o the British Government in providing five Sowars and…

Sardar Sant Prakash Singh Of Alawalpur

SardarSant Prakash Singh Of Alawalpur was born in1899. He was imbued with a hardworking and an ambitious mind. He was persevering enough to gain admission at Aitchison College, Lahore. He was proficient in mathematics and…

Sardar Bahadur Ajit Singh Of Alawalpur

Sardar Bahadur Ajit Singh Of Alawalpur was the son of Sarda rAchal Singh, was far more successful and distinguished than his elder brother. He was appointed Sub-Registrar of Alawalpur in 1875, and became an Honorary…

Sardar Albel Singh Of Alawalpur

Sardar Albel Singh, the eldest son of Bania Jat Chief Sardar Himmat Singh predeceased his Rather when he was first wounded fighting the Pathans at Jamrud fort in 1831. He was later killed on the…

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