Karam Singh was succeeded by Karora Singh who was a Virk Jat Jagirdar of Majha. He was also called Barqa after the name of his village Barki in Lahore district. He was a member of the Panj garhia de rah. He had taken baptism at the hands of Sham Singh. Karam Singh’s derah unanimously decided to appoint him his successor. 6

Karora Singh added more ilaqas to his possessions as Hariana and Sham Churasi (now in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab). He collected an army of seven or eight thousand horsemen including that of his Misaldars.

This Misal took its name from Karora Singh, the third and one of the most important leaders of the Misal. Karora Singh was an intelligent and a very influential leader. Under his stewardship his derabmade rapid strides. Maharaja of Bharatpur fought some battles successfully with the help of Karora Singh. None was able to resist him up to Farrukhabad.

Once, an Afghan sipahsalar, Buland Khan, clashed with the Sikhs near Batala. Karora Singh routed the Afghans and he unburdened them of their treasures and booty and distributed the same among the Sikh jathas. It was Karora Singh who had cut off the head of Diwan Bishambar Das in the battle of Urmar Tanda (in the present district of Hoshiarpur).

In those days, the Sinsinwar Jat Maharaja of Deeg (in the present Rajasthan state), came to the Sikhs and asked for their assistance. He promised to give ten rupees per swar per day. With a view to providing military assistance to the Raja, Sardar Karora Singh led five thousand horsemen to his place. On the way, when the Sikh army encamped at Azimabad, which is popularly known as Tarawari, the tehalias (menial servants) went out to bring grass or fodder for the horses. They began to cut the crops of the Zamindari of Tarawari for their horses. The Zamindari resisted the reaping of their crops. Karora Singh, with a few of his companions, went to confront the ^amindars. He died there as a result of a bullet-shot fired at him by a ^amindar. According to another version, he was killed in 1761, in the battle of Tarawari fighting against the Nawab of Kunjpura. He was issueless. Sardar Baghel Singh Dhaliwal. After the death of Karora Singh, Baghel Singh was unanimously elected to head the Misal. Baghel Singh, a Dhaliwal Jat, was the resident of Jhabal.


References :-

  • Ibid., pp. 217-18; Gian Singh, op. tit, p. 255.
  • Rattan Singh Bhangu, op. tit, p. 423; Khushwaqat Rai, Tawarikh-i-Sikhan, (1811), MS., GS.; p. 70; Ali-ud-Din Mufti, Ibratnama (1854), Lahore, 1961, p. 207.
  • Bute Shah, op. tit, p. 241.
  • Ibid., p. 241.
  • Ibid., p. 218
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