After the death of Raja Ram Singh Of Sinsini, the leadership of the Jats was assumed by his old father Faujdar Thakur Bhajja Singh of Sinsini. “Bishan Singh Kachwaha, the new Rajah of Amber (Jaipur), was appointed by the Emperor as faujdar of Mathura with a special charge to root out the Jats and take Sinsani as his own jagir . He gave the Emperor a written undertaking to demolish the fort of Sinsini ( Sinsani), as he was burning to distinguish himself and win a high mansab like his father Ram Singh and grandfather Mirza Rajah Jai Singh. Bidar Bakht laid siege to Sinsini (Sinsani). But the campaign in the jungles of the Jat Kingdom severely taxed the invading army.

The Mughals before Sinsini ( Sinsani) had to undergo great hardship from scarcity of provisions and water, as the enemy by frequent attacks cut off the grain-convoys and watering parties. Incessant night-attacks kept the siege-camp in perpetual alarm. “The men were prostrated by hunger, and the animals perished in large numbers through weakness.’* But the besiegers held tenaciously on, and in four months carried their trenches to the gate of the fort, mounted guns on raised platforms, and laid mines. The jungle round the fort was cleared. One mine under the gate was fired, but the Jats having previously detected it and blocked its further side with stones, the charge was driven backwards, destroying many of the artillerymen and supervising officers of the Mughal army. A second mine was then laid and carried under the wall in a month’s time. It was successfully fired (end of January, 1690), the wall was breached, the Jat defenders lining it were blown up, and the Mughals stormed the fort after three hours of stubborn opposition. The Jats disputed every inch of the ground and were dispersed only after losing 1500 Jats of their men. On the imperial side 200 Mughals fell and more then 700 Rajputs were slain or wounded. The remnant of the garrison was put to the sword .

Next year (21st May, 1691) Rajah Bishan Singh surprised the other Jat stronghold of Sogor. “The Rajah hastened there with the imperial army. By chance, as the gate of this little fort was kept open at the time for admitting grain, the invaders entered it at the gallop, slaying all who raised their hands and taking 500 of the rebels . The result of these operations was that the new Jat leaders went into hiding in ‘nooks and corners’ unknown to the imperialists. The tribesmen returned to the peaceful work of cultivation amd the district enjoyed peace for some years.


  • History Of The Jats Vol-i (1925) by Qanungo, Kalika Ranjan
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