Sardar Bahadur Sardar Dal Singh Of Malaudh O.B.E was born into a Sidhu Jat family ,He was the son of Raja Badan Singh, C.S.I Of Malaudh, is an Houorary Magistrate with 1st Class powers and exercises his jurisdiction in villages constituting the Jagirs of Malaudh, Ber and Pakhoke. He is also a Provincial Darbari. He is well known for his public spirit which he has invariably displayed on suitable occasions in response to the needs of the Government. He commands the respect and confidence of the people of his distriet in an unusual manner. Like his father he contributed various sums towards the Great War, and supplied 275 recruits to the Indian army, and in recognition of these services, received sanads and certificates from the Viceroy, the Commander-in-Chief, and the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. He was made a Sardar Bahadur in 1911 and granted a sword of honour by the Military Department in 1919. A year later the title of 0. B. E. was conferred upon him. During the Civil Disobedience movement his powerful influence was cast on the side of law and order with very visible effects.His only son, Sardar Sant Singh, who was an Honorary Magistrate and a Sub-Registrar died in 1931 at the early age of 45, leaving behind a male child named Tikka Amarsarjit Singh.

References :-

  • Chiefs and families note in the Punjab Vol 1 By L.H Griffin.
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