Sardar Ram Singh Dharvi, was born into Bhindra Jat family , He was one of the famous “Sardar” Of Karorsinghia Misl, He was the younger brother of Chaudhary Feroz Singh Of Khokhowal Estate, When he was young he adopt Sikh Panth, He was adept in horse riding and sword fighting. Just because of this he was join the Karorsinghia Misl and served as horse rider .
Ram Singh is called “Dharvi”, he calls from far away by becoming Dharvi and occupies by going over the areas during Misls call. In 1759, when the Sikh Jat Majhails of Majha crossed the Beas river and captured Jalandhar Doaba, Sardar Ram Singh captured the village Naugaja of Jalandhar. Sardar Ram Singh Dharvi’s, Chaudhary Ansh Bains was the owner of several villages in Amritsar, Jalandhar and Gurdaspur districts and had considerable land.