On the 18th May a messenger reported that Karam Singh and Baghel Singh Dhaliwal were fighting with the “amil of Shahabad and that they had created a breach in the wall of the serai. Gangaram, the commandant of a sepoy battalion who had been sent to reinforce Khalil Khan disobeyed the” amil. Khalil Khan confined him; but later he was released. Sher Singh of Buria was besieging Sadhaura; while Rai Singh and Bhag Singh were lying encamped at Amin (4 miles south of Thanesar).The Jat sikhs from Ropar were still encamped at Sirhind. On the 21st May petition from the “amil of Shahabad came stating:” The Sikhs have pushed nearer. The town is also in their control. If reinforcements arrive my life can be saved: otherwise there seems to be no way of escape. “Shafi prepared to march himself; but he was dissuaded by Mir Mansur: You are fully aware what fighting with the Sikhs means. Without a strong army further march is absolutely inadvisable, God knows what may happen there. On the 22nd May news arrived that Khalil Khan sought for peace through Karam Singh and offered a horse by way of nazar. The Sikhs demanded evacuation of the serai. Khalil obeyed and came out with 300 horse, 800 foot and 2 pieces of cannon. His troops were immediately attacked and plundered; while Khalil was shot dead. This day Murad Beg and Khusro Beg joined Shafi. The former offered two rupees and the latter five rupees as nazar. Shafi wrote an urgent letter to Jai Singh Rai to bring Gajpat Singh immediately in his camp.

References :-

  • History of the sikhs vol. 3 by Hari ram Gupta
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