





Hindi Name


Time Period

Early 17th Century to 1947


The village of Ruriala in the Gujranwala district is stated to have been founded by Jagirdar Chaudhri Tej Singh, an ancestor of Sardar Jodh Singh. It is certain that the family had long livedn the village and had for some time held the “Chaudhriat”. About the year 1759 Bhagat Singh became a Sikh, and having married his daughter Davi to the powerful Ruler Gujar Singh Of Bhangi obtained a grant of the village of Ruriala, free of service, from him. Gujar Singh also took the young Sava Singh and Dava Singh into his service, and gave them the jagir of Naushera in the Gujrat district, which was held by, the brothers in joint possession till the death of Sava Singh, who was killed in battle; and the jagir was resumed by Sahib Singh, son of Gujar Singh, who had succeeded his father in the command of the Bhangi Misl: Two villages of the jagir were, however, left to Dava Singh, and the ancestral village of Ruriala. Jodh Singh entered the force of Sardar.

Jodh Singh Sowrianwala, who had married his cousin in the year 1813, when a boy of fifteen. He served with the Sardar’s Ghorcharas till 1825, when, on the death of Sardar Amir Singh, the jagir was resumed by the Maharaja and their regular troops placed under the command of Prince Sher Singh. In 1831 Jodh Singh accompanied the Prince in his successful campaign against Sayad Ahmad Khan. In 1834 he was placed as a trooper in Raja Hira Singh’s Dera, in which he remained till 1848, having been in 1836 promoted to the rank of commandant. The jagir of Ruriala, with Rs. 12,043, subject to the service of two sowars, had always remained in his possession, with the exception of the year 1835, when it had been temporarily resumed; and in 1848 he received an additional grant of the village Kotli in the Gujranwala district. During these years Sardar Jodh Singh had performed good service to the State. He had served under Diwan Hukam Rai, who was in charge of Mamdot and Mukatsar, and was afterwards sent to the Manjha, where he was most energetic, and speedily cleared the country of robbers. During the reign of Sher Singh he was again sent to the Manjha in command of three hundred sowars, and remained there for six months, restoring order and administering justice.After the Satlaj Campaign Jodh Singh was appointed Adalati, or judicial officer, at Amritsar on Rs. 3,000, inclusive of his jagir; and in 1849, after annexation, he was appointed Extra Assistant Commissioner at the same place, where he remained till his retirement from the Government service in December 1862. During the disturbances of 1848-49 Sardar Jodh Singh remained faithful, and did excellent service in preserving the peace of the city of Amritsar, and in furnishing supplies to the British forces.In 1857 he accompanied Mr. F. Cooper, C.B.,in pursuit of the Mian Mir mutineers, and rendered such zealous and prompt assistance that he received from Government a present of Rs. 1,000 and a valuable watch. From annexation up to the beginning of 1862 he was in charge of the Darbar Sahib, the great Sikh temple at Amritsar, chosen by the Sikharis to cracy and priests themselves. This was an important duty, requiring great tact, honesty and powers of conciliation. These qualities the Sardar possessed in an eminent degree. There have been special circumstances gravely affecting the good management of the temple of late years, but Jodh Singh’s influence there was only for good. He guided its counsels through the difficult early years of the administration and through the critical period of 1857, when his loyalty and devotion to Government were many times noticed; while as a judicial officer he secured, by his justice and unswerving honesty, the respect of the inhabitants of Amritsar, without regard to caste or creed.In recognition of Jodh Singh’s services, Government on his retirement in 1862 allowed him to draw his full pay of Rs. 4,300 for life. Ruriala and Kotli were released rent-freefor life, and the latter village, with two wells at Ruriala, was todescend to bis heirs for two generations. He also received agrant of fifty acres of land in Rakh Shakargarh. Sardar Jodh Singh died at Amritsar in August 1864. Sardar Man Singh, youngest brother of Jodh Singh, is one of the most distinguished natiye officers in the army. He entered Raja Suchet Singh’s force when about twenty-fiveyears of age, and was present at the capture of Peshawar and in the Trans-Indus Campaign. He then entered Raja Hira Singh’s brigade, where be was made an adjutant ofcavalry. He fought against the British at Mudki, Ferozeshah and Sobraon, and after the campaign was stationed at Lahore in command of a troop of fifty horse. In 1848 he was sent to Amritsar, and remained with his brother during the war, doing excellent service; and on the return of peace his troop was disbanded and he retired on a pension. But Man Singh had no love for a quiet life at home. In 1852 he entered the Police under Colonel R. Lawrence, and remained in the force till 1857. At the first outbreak of the Mutiny he was despatched to Deli to join Major Hod son with three troops of cavalry; one raised by Nawab Imamudin Khan, one by Raja Tej Singh, and the third in a great measure by Man Singh himself. This force, first known as ‘Montgomery Sahib ka Rasala,’ became the nucleus of the famous Hodson’s Horse. Man Singh served throughout the siege and capture of Dehli. He assisted in the capture of the King of Dehli and the capture and execution of the three Princes, and on that day the coolness and gallantry of Man Singh were as conspicuous as those of his dashing commander. He was then sent with Colonel Showers’ column into the Riwari district, and, returning to Debli about the end of October, was despatched to Lahore by Major Hod son to raise five hundred recruits. This he effected in about four months, using the utmost exertions and borrowing a considerable amount of the necessary funds on his personal security. He then hurried to Lucknow. He arrived just intime to take part in the capture of the city, but too late to receive the thanks of his commandant, Major Hod son, who was killed the day before his arrival.Man Singh fought throughout the hot-weather campaign of 1858, and was honourably mentioned in despatches for his gallantry at the battle of Nawabganj on the 13th June,in dashing to the rescue of Lieutenant Buller of his regiment, who was surrounded by the enemy. Man Singh was on this occasion severely wounded in two places, and his horse covered with sword-cuts. He received for his conduct in this action the Order of Merit. He served throughout the Oudh Campaign of 1858-59, and was present at most of the important actions.At Nandganj, after capturing three guns, he was very badly injured by the blowing up of the tumbrils by a desperado from the enemy’s ranks. From the injuries he received there he suffered for several months. The Government have rewarded the services of Man Singh by the grant of jagir sin Oudh and in the Panjab of the value of Rs. 600 and Rs. 400per annum respectively. Harsa Singh, second son of Jodh Singh, like his uncle Man Singh, was a Rasaldar in the 9th Bengal Cavalry. He was appointed to command one of the troops of cavalry raisedby Man Singh in November 1857. In the middle of 1858 he went with his detachment to Oudh and joined the headquarters of Hod son’s Horse, then commanded by Colonel Daly. He fought with distinction in all the chief battles of the later Oudh Campaign, including Sultanpur and Fyzabad. He died in 1860. Partab Singh in April 1861 joined the Police forceas Subedar. He is still a Deputy Inspector. Dal Singh was a Rasaldar in the 17th Bengal Cavalry. He died in 1885. Jawala Singh, son of Jai Singh, was a Subadar of the 29th Native Infantry. He has retired on a pension of Rs. 180 per annum. His share in the village of Buriala brings in about Rs. 240 per annum. His son Vir Singh is asowar in the Central India Horse. Sardar Man Singh retired from the service in 1877, and took up his abode at Amritsar, where he has ever since led an active and honourable life, devoting his whole time and most of his money towards the maintenance of the Sikh faith. He was made an Honorary Magistrate in 1879, and in the same year was appointed manager of the Darbar Sahib, an office requiring tact, patience, honesty and energy. That he has performed his duties well is proved by the fact that the local authorities have frequently refused to allow him to resign,although he is now a very old man, in need of rest and quiet for his remaining years. He is a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire, a Vice regal Darbari, and a member of the Municipal Committee of Amritsar. His income is estimated at Rs. 12,000 per annum, including a military pension of Rs. 3,594; lands in Oudh, Rs. 4,000 ; in Gujranwala, Rs. 2,500 ;in Lahore, Rs. 1,000 ; and a jagir in Kot Bara Khan, Rs. 700.One of Sardar Man Singh’s sons, Jawahir Singh, is a Zaildar and an Honorary Magistrate in Gujranwala. The other sare still young.The sons of the late Sardar Jodh Singh hold a perpetual jagir, valued at Rs. 600, in Mauza Ramgarh, Gujranwala; also a mafi valued at Rs. 75 in Ruriala in the same district. They have an additional income of Rs. 1,700 per annumn made up of rents on houses and lands in Amritsar. Mahtab Singh, the eldest son, died in 1855. Karam Singh, son of Ganda Singh, was a Deputy Inspector of Police. His land in Gujranwala yields Rs. 150 per annum Of the sons of Kahan Singh, the eldest, Hira Singh, was Subadar-Major in the 24th Panjab Infantry, and he owns land in the Lahore and Gujranwala districts yielding about Rs. 3,000 per annum. The third son, Sher Singh, is a Jamadar in a mountain battery now on service in Burmah. Sardar Hira Singh’s eldest son, Sardul Singh, was a Dafadar in the 1st Regiment, Central India Horse. The second son, Asa Singh, was a Jamadar in the 24th Panjab Infantry.


  • Choudhary Bhagat Singh, later he accept Sikhism, had issues with two sons and daughters :-
    • Sewa Singh, was married had issues with three sons :-
      • Jai Singh (d.1855), was married had issue with one son :-
        • Jwala Singh (d.1888), was married had issues with five sons :-
          • Vir Singh, was born in 1863 was married had issues with two sons, he died in 1923 :-
            • Gurdev Singh (b.1891), was married had issues with two sons :-
              • Ranjit Singh
              • Sarabjit Singh (b.1928)
            • Bhajan Singh (b.1903)
          • Kartar Singh
          • Tara Singh
          • Bal Singh
          • Khushal Singh
      • Jodh Singh (b.1795), was the first member of the family that served in the army of Bhatti Jat ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh Of Lahore, Initially, he served under Dhillon Jat ruler Sardar Gujjar Singh Bhagi Of Lahore, and hailed from the village of "Ruriala", was married had issues with six sons, he died in 1864 at Amritsar :-
        • Mehtab Singh (d.1855) was married had issue with one son :-
          • Sant Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
            • Labh Singh (d.1926), was married had issue with one son :-
              • Shivdev Singh (b.1901), aas married had issues with two sons :-
                • Harbhajan Singh (b.1926)
                • Ranjit Singh (b.1933)
            • Punjab Singh (b.1875)
        • Harsha Singh
        • Partap Singh (d.1889)
        • Dal Singh (d.1885)
        • Gulab Singh (d.1891)
        • Mal Singh(d.1905)
      • Dewa Singh
    • Bibiji Devi Warrich, was married to Sardar Gujjar Singh Bhangi Of Lahore.
    • Kahan Singh (d.1858), was married had issues with three sons :-
      • Sardar Bahadur Hira Singh (b.1855-d.1905)
      • Wazir Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
        • Kesar Singh
      • Sardar Bahadur Sher Singh (b.1862-d.1936), was married had issues with two sons :-
        • Saranjit Singh (b.1924)
        • Baljit Singh (b.1931)
  • Sardar Dewa Singh, Jagirdar Of Rariala, was married had issues with two sons :-
    • Ganda Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
      • Karam Singh, was married had issues with five sons :-
        • Bhagwan Singh
        • Ram Singh (b.1891)
        • Dhian Singh (b.1900)
        • Khazan Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
          • Santokh Singh (b.1926)
      • Sham Singh (b.1900)
    • Sardar Bahadur Man Singh Warrich
  • Sardar Bahadur Man Singh Warrich C.I.E, Jagirdar Of Rariala & Oudh, was born in 1817, Was served in Hodson's Horse, His first military experience was as a cavalry officer in the Sikh Army, entering the Brigade of Raja Suchet Singh, and he was present at the capture of Peshawar, in 1834. Then, he was transferred to the brigade of Raja Hira Singh, where he was promoted to Adjutant of the cavalry. He fought against the British Army at Mudki, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon during the First Anglo-Sikh Wars of 1845/6. He was then recruited into the Punjab Mounted Police, by Colonel Richard Lawrence, in 1852, and in June 1857, in response to the request by Robert Montgomery, the Judicial Commissioner for Punjab,he served at the siege of Delhi, and most of the battles fought by Hodson's Horse, but was badly wounded after capturing the guns at the battle of Nawabganj, displaying great bravery. On March 9, 1866, he was appointed as the first Risaldar-Major of the 9th Bengal Cavalry (later Ist Hodson's Horse), and appointed to the Order of British India, Ist Class, with the title of 'Sardar Bahadur' On October 25, 1872. He was appointed an Extra A.D.C. to the Commander-in-Chief in January 1876, but retired in 1877, and was made an Honorary Magistrate at Amritsar. He also became the chief official at the sacred Golden Temple, in Amritsar.He was bestowed with the title Companion of the Indian Empire in January 1886, was also a “Vice-Regal Durbari”. Also he was received Jagir in Oudh (Uttar Pradesh), was married had issues with seven sons, he died in 1892 :-
    • Piara Singh (d.1877)
    • Gurmukh Singh (d.1888)
    • Jawahar Singh
    • Prem Singh (d.1927), was married had issue with one son :-
      • Gurdial Singh, was married had issue with one son :-
        • Harbaksh Singh
    • Balwant Singh, (b.1870), was married had issues with three sons :-
      • Muksudan Singh (b.1890), was married had issues with two sons :-
        • Fatehpal Singh (b.1930)
        • Jagpal Singh (b.1933)
      • Surat Singh (b.1901)
      • Gulzar Singh (b.1915)
    • Sundar Singh (b.1881)
    • Sujan Singh (b.1932)
  • Sardar Jawahar Singh, Jagirdar Of Rariala, waa born in 1864, was married had issues with three sons, he died 1907 :-
    • Rajwant Singh
    • Natha Singh (b.1885)
    • Harbans Singh, (b.1889) was married had issue with one son :-
      • Bhupinder Singh (b.1910)
  • Sardar Sahib Sardar Rajwant Singh, Jagirdar Of Rariala, was born in 1885, he became Zaildar of Ruriala, and held a seat in the Provincial Durbars. He was made an Honorary Magistrate in 1919, and was granted the title of ' Sardar Sahib' in 1930. From 1909, he was a member of the District Board, and Vice-Chairman from 1927 to 1930.he was awarded Ate abile Medal, in 17 35, During a sie world War, Sardar Raiwant Sing tuplied numerous rectuits, and cond sued generously to the War Loan. inlterited 200 acres of land in 1915. Due to in differences with his cousins, he vacated the fort at Ruriala and established a separate vilage called Rajkot, which is located about 10 kilometres south of Ruriala, Now a mere suburb of Gujranwala city Pakistan. From this period onward, Sardar Rajwant Singh and his descendants, hate hen known as the “Rajkotias”. was married had issues with four sons , he died in 1972 :-
    • Raghbir Singh, was married had issues with two sons :-
      • Amarjit Singh Warrich
      • Jatinder Singh Rajkotia (b.1930), studied at Aitchison College (Chief's College), Lahore. He was around 17 years old during the Partition of 1947, and as refugees, he first went to Dehradun, later they settled at Rajkot House, in village Jundla, near Karnal, Haryana. Jatinder Singh was fondly called Jindo, but sadly suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, spending more than a year in a sanatorium, in Kasauli, he married Sardarni Gurdarshan Kaur Mann, of Sheikhupura, had issues with two children's, he died in 2014 :-
        • Malavika Rajkotia (b.1962), did her early schooling at the Welham Girls' School, Dehradun, and later attended Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi, founded in 1956. She studied law from Delhi University, and joined the Bar in 1985. Now a successful lawver, she is the founder of Rajkotia Associates, a law firm which provides legal assistance in divorce cases, and is one of the leading firms for divorce cases in India. She is the author of Intimacy Undone: Law of Marriage, Divorce and Family in India, a book drawn from her experiences in the court. She married to Mr. Rakesh Luthra in 1989, who sadly passed away in 1998.
        • Ganeve Rajkotia (b.1966), She attended Welham Girls' High School, in Dehradun, and later went to Miranda House, Delhi University, graduating with honours in Sociology. Before becoming an entre-preneur, she worked in films for a short while, having done her Masters in Mass Communication, from Tamia Millia Islamia Central University, Delhi. Having worked as an assistant director, on An Electric Moon, a Channel 4 Production, she has also acted in a couple of films, the more notable one is Amu, which is based on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots, and the one before that was Khayal Gatha, which was featured at Karlovy Vary Film Festival, in the Czech Republic. Along with her husband, Yousef Zaheer, they are equal partners in a travel business, Himalayan River Runners and Himalayan Hideaways.
    • Pritipal Singh, was born in 1921, was married had issues with one son and daughter :-
      • Brigadier Karamvir Singh Warrich (b.1951), was married had issues with one son and daughter :-
        • Eshanvir Singh (b.1981)
        • Bibiji Shinjini Kaur
      • Bibiji Anjali Kaur
    • Charanjit Singh (b.1924-d.1991), was married to Sardarni Rajan Kaur, the daughter of Sardar Joginder Singh Phoolka Of Malaodh had issue with one son :-
      • Maheshinder Singh (b.1952)
    • Jasbir Singh (b.1928-d. 1987), was married to Sardarni Sukhwant Kaur Bajwa, from Panipat, Haryana, had issue with one son :-
      • Sukhbir Singh (b.1956)
  • Sardar Bahadur Hira Singh, Jagirdar Of Rariala, was born in 1855, was married had issues with four sons, he died in 1905 :-
    • Sardul Singh,(d.1899), was married had issue with one son :-
      • Faujdar Singh (b.1889), was married had issues with four sons :-
        • Bachattar Singh
        • Harbir Singh (b.1912)
        • Jeet Singh (b.1917)
        • Sobrinder Singh (b.1922)
    • Asa Singh (b.1867-d. 1917)
    • Budh Singh (b.1884)
    • Sampuran Singh (b.1890)
  • Brigadier Sardar Amarjit Singh Warrich, Jagirdar Of Rariala, was born in 1926, was married to Sardarni Prasin Kaur Mann, daughter of Sardar Jagjit Singh Mann Of Moghalchak had issues with three daughters and son :-
    • Bibiji Tavleen Kaur, (b.1950), was married to former Pakistani politician Mr. Salman Taseer
    • Bibiji Udaya Kaur, (b.1951), was married to Sardar Hardev Singh of Akoi
    • Inder Vijay Singh (b.1953)
    • Bibiji Padmesh Kaur (b.1959)
  • Sardar Inder Vijay Singh Warrich, Jagirdar Of Rariala, was born in 1953>, did his early schooling at Welham Boys' Preparatory School, Shimla, and at the Doon School, where he completed his Indian Civil Service (ISC), in 1969. He obtained a BA from St Stephen's College in Delhi, and an MA from Delhi University. He taught for a short while at Lawrence School, Sanawar. He taught English for senior classes, as well as History and Geography, at the Doon School. However, he later gave up teaching, to manage the family farms at village Jundla, near Karnal, in Haryana. He is an outdoor person, who enjoys fishing and hunting, and has recently acquired a cottage, near Bhakra Dam, Punjab. During the hot summer months, he usually spends most of his leisure time, at his other cottage at Ranikhet, near Nainital. He married to Kim Natarajan, an Australian citizen, had issues with two sons :-
    • Saba Singh (b.1995)
    • Ishaan Singh (b.2001)


Sardar Jatinder Singh of Ruriala

Sardar Jatinder Singh of Ruriala, was born 1930, He was the younger son of Sardar Raghubir Singh Waraich of Ruriala and Sardarni Prasin Kaur Mann, he was done there study at Aitchison College (Chief’s College),…

Bibaji Malavika Rajkotia of Ruriala

Bibaji Malavika Rajkotia of Ruriala, was born in 1962, she is the eldest daughter of Sardar Jatinder Singh Warrich of Ruriala. She did her early schooling at the Welham Girls’ School, Dehradun, and later attended…

Bibaji Ganeve Rajkotia of Ruriala

Bibaji Ganeve Rajkotia of Ruriala, was in born 1966, she is the youngest daughter of Sardar Jatinder Singh Waraich of Ruriala. From 1973 to 1983, she attended Welham Girls’ High School, in Dehradun, and later…

Sardar Sahib Sardar Rajwant Singh Of Ruriala

Sardar Sahib Sardar Rajwant Singh Of Ruriala, Was born in 1885 he was the eldest of Warrich Jat Jagirdar Sardar Jawahar Singh. In 1907, he became Zaildar of Ruriala, and held a seat in the…

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